• #17927
yeah it was nice. Victoria sponge but with cinnamonny sponge and apple instead of jam.
• #17928
you bail outs missed out ... bitches!
• #17929
I was there! But I had to go do things!
• #17930
so, you missed out, innit?!
• #17931
did somebody (Oli) say something?
• #17932
I had to go home and cook sausages. Which I ended up eating today for lunch instead of last night for dinner. In a most excellent sandwich. I made some for Oli too.
All in all it was pointless, I should have stayed for cake. -
• #17933
• #17934
TNRC. For those of us that ride bikes, anyway.
• #17935
I don't ride bikes but I might swing by on my run home. Is it wrong to have a pint halfway through a 9 mile run?
• #17936
ouch! well I'm on foot anyway ... just figured it was a nice evening
• #17937
Hydration is important. I like the idea of a cyclists' drinks accidentally being entirely attended by pedestrians.
• #17938
With rolly suitcasey things, a la Loic's 'Anyone on two wheels is a friend' cartoon.
• #17939
Have to start a new forum for pedestrains
• #17940
I shall demand a Walking sub-forum from VB.
• #17941
do i hear johnny walker talking?
i shall be stopping by in a tiny bit to ... errr hydrate, innit?!
• #17942
I shall demand a Walking sub-forum from VB.
With subdivisions <88mph and >88mph.
• #17943
Surprise Dover castle pints after TNRC were greatly appreciated.
• #17944
Gah! Was getting back from North Downs with Dropout at about 8pm last night and was so knackered I don't think either of us realised it was SEs today. We even briefly considered a pint in the Roebuck but decided against it due to lack of locks.
• #17945
Any of you chaps/chapesses happen to have a cyclocross rear seat clamp with canti brake mount kicking around? I've ordered one for Ruths Pompino for Sundays ride and it may not turn up in time!
Why on earth did PX do away with the rear welded canti brake mount on the pompinos!?!?
• #17946
^^sorry am i going insane? dropout was in the roebuck on tuesday at about 8.
• #17947
He probably decided to get rid of Stonehedge and head to the Roebuck behind his back so he'd get more drinks bought for him with his tall tales of the North Downs. :)
• #17948
Ha ha...that does sound possible...he did head south of the river when I left him!
Maybe he realised when nearby.
Or maybe what Oliver said. I don't blame him, he had spent the whole day with me.
• #17949
Just read this ^, ^^, ^^^: Yes it's true, I did a dirty on Dan! /squirms/
Well think about it , how would my tales of Kent's big hills ever have earned me a sympathy pint unless in his absence? Dan would have been the Big Draw, what with his elevation stats, and sea-shanties.
As it was, Wandle was off again but I drew a lot of amused interest surrounding the originality an suitability for purpose of my top-tube food trough. Not sure why really as it's just a common or garden Innocent fruit smoothie carton enhanced with duct tape velcro and fridge magnets which ~~by accident of design ~~ ingeniously swings to an 'aero' position automatically when the hammer drops.
Well I needed something fto carry my Jaffa cakes.Necessity ,as they say, is the Mutha.
• #17950
Does anyone have a hinged undersize brake lever going spare to swap for a pint tomorrow?
there was free cake? I had free sandwiches but cake sounds better.