• #302
I actually now going to buy soke of that stuff. Good or not, it made me buy it
• #303
Fuck, amazing
Thought it was going to be for some semi obscure game like portal with "cake", but then it was actually for ice cream, mind blown, ice cream ordered.
• #305
• #306
Memories! I really wanted one of those as a kid
• #307
Forgot about this thread...
That's great. F*ck plastic bottles.
As if Sodastream actually made that. An agency I used to work at pitched for them once, maybe 7 years ago, and they were SOOOOO straight, just can't imagine them doing this.
• #308
• #309
Just seen one of these on TV. Thought they were parodies. Ace
• #310
The current National Lottery ads - Who wins if you win?
I can’t believe before now I’ve never realised that playing the lottery is a beautiful act of altruism.
I’m suddenly ashamed I don’t play the lottery. It’s like I don’t love my family at all.
• #311
Nationwide with the shit poetry (now sung with accompanying 3 keyed piano)
• #312
Good lord, I didn't think I could hate their ads any more. Then this.
• #314
"What're you doing on your compewder?"
"What's a compewder?"Apple cunts!
• #315
I was JUST gonna post that one!
Surely someone flagged up what a horrible little shitbag that child seems like in their fucking minging condescending ad.
• #316
I think I just heard "I am the exaltation of reason" as part of the v/o on an Alfa Romeo ad.
Please tell me I misheard it.
Mind you, was just watching the Mark E Smith film so possible he could have said that (or 'I am an exhalation of rhythm' or suchlike, in the next breath.) -
• #317
every time I see the latest Thompson Holiday advert I think of the Prodigy's Fat Of The Land album!!
• #318
that f-ing Pixel advert
can it take a selfie just by saying take a selfie?
take a selfie
take a selfie
take a selfieJesus wept
• #320
awful company but that's fantastiche.
• #321
Not really sure this has worked out how they wanted
• #322
yeah that is good makes me miss it.
• #323
Because some people really don't get a) reading an article, and b) Brewdog ?
• #324
Pukka pie advert "everything's pukka" with the mothers sex face every time she has a mouthful... Fnarr. Well worth a look...
• #325
yeah the new money supermarket ad is fabulous.
I'll take your word for it re the 'nanas but I can't bring myself to watch it again.