• #227
Old school! My 90 = 50x15
Same here. Sheldon reckons I have a 88", while British Cycling reckon I have a 90"
Maybe when refering to gear inches have an AS or BS suffix. 88"AS (After Sheldon) or 90"BS (before Sheldon)
• #228
After getting some advice from Lee, my gym does not have a trap bar to do t bar deadlifts.
Any one else do anything another way? I was thinking that I could use the large dumbbells instead to get a similar effect? Think me gym has 45kg so that would give me a 90kg deadlift in pretty much the same form as using a t bar?
why T-bar d/lifts?
and how can you use the dumbells, even if you hold the bar the same way, there will be half the weight stuck up under your gooch, won't there? I'm trying to visualize how you are gonna do this and failing
• #229
You stand inside a trap bar with hands by your side, as though you are holding shopping bags.
Swap shopping bags for dumbells.
• #230
oh TRAP bar..
I thought you meant T-bar, power wanks..
couldn't see how those could help!
but yes, see what you mean, yeah I've used lightweight dumbells to do jump squats and deadlifts where you would usually use a trap bar, but you can't get enough load, or the same balance if you really want to go big
• #231
I've always used t-bar lifts for upper back, not legs. I think there is some confusion on my part.
Forgot about balance on the trap bar. Oh well.
• #232
resurrecting an old thread, but it's winter over here in New Zealand and I need some advice.
I started going to beginner sessions halfway through last season and had an awesome time despite not really knowing what I was doing. Some time passed and I gained some understanding of the different race types and distances. So far my strengths have been in the sprints. I'm looking to expand on this, and so far this winter I have been riding 45 to 70 kms a week (excluding commutes), and attend the gym at least three times a week. I try to get in one day of hill sets a week.
I guess I'm looking for advice in improving my sprint, am I missing any important gym exercises (typically have two days of squats and deadlifts, and a day of chest tri's back etc with a days rest between each). More importantly am I wasting my time in the gym?
• #233
Definitely get some overspeed stuff included whilst out on the road - obviously fixed gear is de rigeur for this. Find a route with some descents on which you can ***uncomfortably ***sustain a +180rpm descent. Or just find one hill to repeat on.
And make sure your 'one day of hill sets' is being performed in an effective manner.
I'll let the bona fide coaches take over at this point...
• #234
Hills (up and down) and plenty of miles in the winter are good. You may want to include something more specific for the hamstrings (straight led deads )and a bench pull type exercise into you workout.
• #235
As bmmf said over speed work either on the rollers or down hills is importent as are starts, personally I wouldn't do much hill work and I would limit the road bike work to 2hrs at a time 2-3 times a week. Gym I would do 2 total body sessions a week
• #236
You guys are awesome.
Gizmond I get you on the deadlifts, but for bench pull exercises do you mean things like rows and flys?
Dino are you saying I should cut to two gym sessions a week, mix my days to include full body exercises, or add two days of full body?
• #237
also bear in mind the type of racing you are doing. the longer the races, the more endurance training you will need.
• #238
Wintergreen, just two gym sessions a week is enough, whole body in each one, mainly legs with one push and one pull upperbody exercise, You only need to be so strong upperbody, too much and its just extra bulk to shift that slows you down.
dulwichrider did you read Wintergreen's first post......
• #239
it's the old HH endurance blinkers!
only joking Tom ;)
• #240
I'm now retired so am allowed to only see the things I want to see!
• #241
Oh dear. Until next season? Or forever!
• #242
probably til next season ... I hope!
• #243
I'm now **retired **so am allowed to only see the things I want to see!
That's not enough info.
What's happened? Are you OK?
• #244
Oh, I think he's fine really. I heard something about things to arrange for some important future date, change of priority for now, etc.
All good, right Tom? -
• #245
hey yeah no panic. I always planned to ramp down my training in August so as to focus on new work stuff. I also got engaged a few weeks' back and that's been a little distracting! hope to come down the track a couple of times before end of the season. and maybe Newport again in October?
• #246
Sounds good. Is there another Fasttrak coaching session in october?
Oh and congrats on the engagement. Have said in person but would look uncaring if didn't write here :-)
• #247
OK, so the way I see it, with a sprint biased for winter training I need to be doing something along the lines of:
per week:
2 weights sessions (atm I am doing 5x5 just above bodyweight squats and deadlifts)
2 road rides (2 hour) but what kind, geared or fixed and hills or not?
2 cadence sessions on rollers? (atm I am doing intervals with a 69" fixed gear on rollers for core stability and leg speed)I'm sure there's more, but even if I do the rollers after the weights sessions, that's still 4 times a week. Sometimes with work I am lucky to get two training sessions of anything in, if I have a program I will miss things due to work being odd times and short notice (and pretty tiring in itself) At the moment I operate a "grab it when you can" policy (no rude jokes please! ) but still have trouble recovering. My peaks are very short and it seems as soon as I feel strong, fit and fast, a day or two later I am on the downslope which is steep and long then the long drag back up to fitness.
I suppose a turbo would help?Any thoughts? (cough) Lee (cough) anyone?
• #248
Where is your active recovery? It's no wonder you're 'crashing' a few days after a high.
I'd recommend 2 of those types of sessions a week, so that would dictate how you approach e.g. a road ride and a rollers session.
• #249
hey yeah no panic. I always planned to ramp down my training in August so as to focus on new work stuff. I also got engaged a few weeks' back and that's been a little distracting! hope to come down the track a couple of times before end of the season. and maybe Newport again in October?
Being engaged means that you have someone to team up with for the Rolla evening on Friday.
• #250
I try to have a recovery day after each training session/ride/race, but yes I am lacking on recovery rides/roller sessions, they just end up as another training session.
I "should" be doing something now, but I fell asleep sitting in the chair today and woke up 3 hours later, I was so exhausted. Can't face anything but rest.
I am managing only one weights session per week (with a brief spin on rollers afterwards) and one ride/track session at the moment because of work. I can't race on that, but when I do get time for more I find it difficult to get enough food down and have no time for the chores of life!
After getting some advice from Lee, my gym does not have a trap bar to do t bar deadlifts.
Any one else do anything another way? I was thinking that I could use the large dumbbells instead to get a similar effect? Think me gym has 45kg so that would give me a 90kg deadlift in pretty much the same form as using a t bar?