• #27
You're welcome beige buddy!
• #28
m8 im up for 'bar stem combo' cash at the ready if it's still going
sent u a pm
• #29
Hey, if not taken i'd like the Turbo Saddle.
• #30
sorry i never found you yesterday to get that tape... I was running round after my little boy.any chance we can exchange at a drinks? I usually go to easts.
• #31
No problem, I will bring to easts.
Any more for any more?
• #32
• #33
Right, no signs of hari or Brucy last night, so bit back up for grabs? Also reduced the saddle, 25-30 quid for an almost new weight weenie saddle!?! And its comfy!
What's left is off to the bay tomorrow.
• #34
i'll grab the white ti rolls for £25, whoa bargain!!
• #35
I will take the Cinelli stem.
• #36
thanks gizer, the tape is a perfect match to some other (ahem) beige on my new ride.
• #37
sorry mate where and when can i pick up the ring?
• #38
Collect from Tower Hill (or Victoria), Or East Drinks Or Track on Sunday
Well, the second two are out, so either of the first two :-)
• #39
Pm sent about THE saddle.Can you posting the parts?and take paypal?
A gent, sir, you are. A fucking gent.
gizmond I'll be at the track day. Cheers.