• #77
if you cant shoot the gap get out of the way, some one else might be able to
Yeeee Haw !
• #78
shit or get off the ranch
• #79
To clarify, a situation where ie you can force your way up the inside of a bus if use a foot to skoot along the pavement because there isn't space to pedal.
Moreover, in dense traffic I will not be forced into a gap I don't like the look of just because there isn't space for me to move aside.
• #80
I get really bothered by people riding right on my back wheel out of the wind and then when our paths separate they fly out of my draft like they have the legs of Lance.
I want to follow them and ride alongside them upping the pace until they cry.
Nice: Pull sharply out and watch them drop back as they are forced to pedal 30% harder.
Naughty: Do a skid, they hate that.
• #81
the brakeless hipster with the faint whisp of a mustache, asymmetric bowl haircut, tight grey jeans riding the grey 'fixie'
I'm glad you added a specific geographical location after the above quote to narrow things down a bit :)
• #82
I've been riding on the roads for years on various types of bicycle and I never take riding for granted. I'm constantly aware of what's going on around me. I always take into consideration other cyclists. Whilst this whole 'fixed wheel' trend has encouraged people to cycle (good), there's a ton of people that appear to have never rode a bike in their life, nevermind on a busy London road.
This worries me. They have to be reponsible for their own actions yet heavily effect those cycling alongside.
It's not gonna get easier out there. You'll always come across inexperienced or thoughtless riders.
If I ranted on here for everytime I was pissed off on the road I'd be banned.
Gotta take it in your stride I guess. Just try ride safe for yourself and for others. -
• #83
+1 (but more for your self then others, because fuck every one else, really)
• #84
What gets my goat is the ones who totter along on their mobile 'cell' style telephone.
• #85
[quote=hippy;288980]I don't ride in the gutter for no one.quote]
that, my friends, is the tag line we need for the next TfL cycle poster campaign. Seriously, something on the primary road position would be ace, and beats Ding Day
• #86
When being undertaken or tailed by cycling moron why not perform a nasal blowout in their general direction then act as if you did nt know they were there.
Just an idea. -
• #87
Good tip Overdrive.
I take it to the next level by waring a large version of the baby pjs with the flap over the bum. It can also work as a James Bond style oil slick too which give you a larger range.
• #88
in some ways i think HTFU, this is london. expect the unexpected.
• #89
in some ways i think HTFU, this is london. expect the unexpected.
I tried to rep you for that, but couldn't.
• #90
• #91
I tried to rep you for that, but couldn't.
same, but i did rep wayne.
• #92
Great thread . . .
The advent of the fixed hipster has definitely resulted in a rash of new riders who have no clue as to road awareness, and put themselves and others at risk. Quite often i am more scared of what the cunt on the bike next to me is going to do, as past exeriance teaches me that no road user is more random in his/her actions than the newb bicyclist.
I drive a car a fair bit round London, and use a scooter for most of my trips round town. As a car driver, i am always aware of other road users, but the problem these days is that i have 2 or 3 motorbikes/scooters filtering down the outside, and 2 or 3 cyclists having their own TDF down the inside - now this leaves the car drive no room for manouver in case of an emergency, if a ped were to step out there is going to be a lot of blood on the road.
Up on Clerkenwell road about 2 months ago on my motorbike, and i was pretty shocked at the chaos, about 10 cyclists nd ten motorbikes and each set of lights. The amount of cyclists (unfortuntelymostly Hipsters on fixed/ss) who pulled out from the inside to the outdside in front of a car without even looking to see if a motorbike was filtering down the lane was ridiculous, i am amazed that their isnt a death their every day.
I always think that as a cyclist you should stick to the inside, and as a motorbiker to the outside - the number of near misses from idiots filtering by the curb on scooters is also on the massive rise. I dont think alot of cyclist realise how dangerous it is to filter down the middle when you have a pack of motobikes doing the same.
I tend to ride about 2 ft off of the curb, for reasons mentioned befoe in this thread, but a lot of motorists to inteperate this as antagonistic riding, which often leads to road rage etc.
Seems to me like we need to totally re-adress road safety education, as the way our roads has changed so radicaly i the last decade, particularily since the CC came in . .
• #93
i ride down the middle and scooters/bike stay out of my way.
• #94
VV on your motor bike its safer to ride on the outside right?
this is beacuse of more visibility to other riders/ drives, and peds, as well as being able to avoid the lorry turning left situation right?
all of these apply to bike, so bikes should be going down the outside as well, and keep an eye on whats behind them, if a bike is coming, pull in, and let them fly past.
• #95
i told a man off for this (moving ahead of you at lights) once and he called me, in a very posh voice, a "silly twit". I had no comeback at all and it bothers me even now
your achilles heel has been exposed. maybe this should go in the confessions thread?
• #96
And may they long continue too . . its just once you have seen it from a motorcyclists viewpoint you realise quite how sketchy it is to be on a pushbike in that road position
• #97
And may they long continue too . . its just once you have seen it from a motorcyclists viewpoint you realise quite how sketchy it is to be on a pushbike in that road position
Without referring to people pulling out from between cars into the center of the road without looking (a separate issue) could you please explain how it is sketchy.
• #98
When being undertaken or tailed by cycling moron why not perform a nasal blowout in their general direction then act as if you did nt know they were there.
Just an idea.Would an anal blowout be a step too far?
• #99
VV on your motor bike its safer to ride on the outside right?
this is beacuse of more visibility to other riders/ drives, and peds, as well as being able to avoid the lorry turning left situation right?
all of these apply to bike, so bikes should be going down the outside as well, and keep an eye on whats behind them, if a bike is coming, pull in, and let them fly past.
Without referring to people pulling out from between cars into the center of the road without looking (a separate issue) could you please explain how it is sketchy.
True true, and i ride down the middle myself . . just i find that motorists look more in the inside mirror to look for a cyclist than they do in the outside mirror . . most of the near misses i have had are when i ride down the middle and someone pulls out to overtake another bike, etc etc, which leave you no place to swerve except into the path of oncoming traffic . . at least on my motorbike i am kitted up with full face helmet back protector etc . . on a bicycle i would rather have the option of the curb to hit. I don't think the majority of road users expect a cyclist to be in that position, and on a motorbike you have the ability to nail the accelerator and get ahead if needs be, not an option if you have legs like mine!
All i'm saying is it isnt any safer than riding on the inside
• #100
I was having a fag on my balcony, looking down on the road yesterday.
There is a bus lane, and a normal lane.
Two chaps on bikes, one pulls out to overtake the other, leading to the chap on a motorbike who was coming up behind both of them hauling on his brakes and generally seriously losing his sense of humour.
All of this was in the same lane, which leads to a few questions- if you are coming up behind someone in the same lane and it is obvious that they are about to pull out (speed difference) why not hang back and let it happen?
And for the cyclist- why the fuck did you not look over your shoulder before swinging out?
It's pretty easy unless you are in a neck brace- which not looking may well put you in.
I get really bothered by people riding right on my back wheel out of the wind and then when our paths separate they fly out of my draft like they have the legs of Lance.
I want to follow them and ride alongside them upping the pace until they cry.