• #77
Been waiting for the boiler guy to turn up and check my boiler (not a euphemism), he's here now so I'll stop pooing on your thread shortly... ;]
• #78
Don't stop, I like. You should have mentioned if you needed a boiler guy, I could help you out there.
• #79
Left to right: playswellwithotters, balki's dad, Donut!, wibble, JD (before the operation)...
I can't see a picture, am I supposed to? :(
• #80
Do some more funnies, teenslain. I'll catch up with them on the issue desk this evening...
• #81
@ wibble - Everyone else can, you need to go to the sterialisation thread.
• #82
Do some more funnies, teenslain. I'll catch up with them on the issue desk this evening...
They were supposed to be offensive actually...
• #83
So BT tell me it's £120 to connect the line, even though there's already one (just dead at the moment) to the place. That adds up to a lot of months' rental - who can I use who doesn't need a BT line.
I've looked at Sky, but I'm not convinced by their deal or their reliability.
• #84
i've had sky for about 12 months, and found that the up-spec is shitloads better than the free one they give. the fuckers also put the price up without warning, too.
that being said, i have not had an issue with it for ages.
• #85
There has been a lot of talk about naked* XDSL for ages- but it has come to nothing, so you either have to suck it up and get a BT line re-enabled/installed, or go for NTL cable I am afraid.
Sky bought Easynet a while ago, so will still need a BT line, although they may ammortise the installation cost over a 12 month period, but I have to say that I do not know this.
Best bet, if you do not want to be tied to NTL/VirginMedia/Telewest is to bite the bullet and get an analogue line, then at least you can choose between the competing broadband providers.
*Naked XDSL is where the standard twisted pair phone line is only connected to the broadband equipment at the exchange (DSLAM) not the phone network (PSTN), and would therefore theoretically be cheaper.
• #86
Tynan's first post-boy-band solo effort...
• #87
ladies love hassanr...
• #88
last_caress (left), 50/14...
• #89
Clockwise from rear left: dov, VeeVee, gusyup, gwynn_again, snowy_again, mikeymerk...
• #90
^hahaha - snowy!
• #91
Left to right: GinaG (seated), miss_socks, gustav, stix, thecrane (in Darth Vader costume), Dammit...
• #92
has anyone mentioned virgin ? very good customer service, any problems i phone the local engineer, Mohamed to come fix it. awesome by BT's standards or any other i've used.
• #93
Bethere hands down! Fast download speed 24/7, no blocking and shit. Good customer service.
• #94
These Broadband providers need to get their helpline music sorted out - 45 minutes hanging on and having to listen to the same 5 'Southern Rock Classics' over and over again does not put you in a reasonable state of mind to deal with some poor call centre person who can only just read a script ... Sweet home Allahbama
• #95
These Broadband providers need to get their helpline music sorted out - 45 minutes hanging on and having to listen to the same 5 'Southern Rock Classics' over and over again does not put you in a reasonable state of mind to deal with some poor call centre person who can only just read a script ... Sweet home Allahbama
I remember the days of A'o'Hell, and the times we had to yell at them for their shit service. We usually didnt have to pay a months or two worths though after kicking up such a fuss though.
But I got rid of it in Oct 2007, got Eclipse boardband which is an internet provider company set up in Cornwall, and it was brillant, fast service, never got disconnected. But when Id moved out my mum went and got Talktalk. pukes -
• #96
• #97
Be Pro - 20-something quid a month for 18Mb down, 2Mb up with static IP. Connection itself is reliable and the supplied router isn't too irritating. Supplied DNS is a bit cack (goes away for a couple of minutes every now and then) but apt-get install bind9 on a server and a bit of configuration sorts that.
• #98
There has been a lot of talk about naked* XDSL for ages- but it has come to nothing, so you either have to suck it up and get a BT line re-enabled/installed, or go for NTL cable I am afraid.
Sky bought Easynet a while ago, so will still need a BT line, although they may ammortise the installation cost over a 12 month period, but I have to say that I do not know this.
Best bet, if you do not want to be tied to NTL/VirginMedia/Telewest is to bite the bullet and get an analogue line, then at least you can choose between the competing broadband providers.
*Naked XDSL is where the standard twisted pair phone line is only connected to the broadband equipment at the exchange (DSLAM) not the phone network (PSTN), and would therefore theoretically be cheaper.
Andrews and Arnold will do a dedicated ADSL line for you. They're superb technically (best support of any ISP I've ever dealt with including leased line providers) but a bit pricey for domestic use.
• #99
Any updates on this topic?
I was with Bethere but the thompson router they supplied kept crashing and they refused to send a replacement.
I switched to BT. The homehub went to the wrong address on the wrong. Once I'd retrieved it and installed, it didn't work. It took a week for them to send and engineer who made a call to the call centre where it was activated..
so I was online hip hoorah but... the Homehub refuses to recognise my Airprot Express wifi repeaters so my hifi over wifi is buggered. BT customer care keep pointing me at apple's website... duh.
I spoke with BT's Director of Research and Applications at their research centre - he had no idea about iTunes and Airport Epxress and the ability for any itunes devices to play and playlist on any zone... he said he'd get his team to investigate.
But despite emailing him I've had no response.
In the meantime I'm not paying for my broadband as I haven't accepted it as in and working... but I have no music.
So I need an ISP that delivers the best possible bandwidth (which is all rubbish in this country) AND that understands wifi applications in the home.
Simple enough. I'd have thought...
Any ideas?
• #100
I use nildram - they aren't quite as fast as they used to be IMO, but good prices and excellent UK customer support.
You need to sort out your own hardware though.
I can see you're gonna be distracted for a while now, Joe