• #52
I view it both ways.
This seems to be a central theme in your life ;)
• #53
Some of this nonsense is my fault as I shot my mouth off and hi-jacked the VP thread started last night without checking it out properly. As I said, I've seen so many images of VP in the porn section I think I was overly saturated- and just assumed it was another "look! she rides and is hot!" shot.
• #54
I've got 14 threads.. does that make me more famous than Object, Pendleton and Sheldon combined?
• #55
FFS, not *another *VP thread!
• #56
I'd call you notorious.
• #57
he's the notorious B.I.G.
• #58
I think it all stems from the primal fear of being alone/isolation etc. I think this is what drives certain people to both a) become famous and b) worship people who are (when I say famous I'm referring to the Big Brother crowd or people who have become famous for no reason whatsoever).
Fame means recognition, which means more people know who you are, which means your 'legacy' may just outlast you.
And object, as you said, most people on this board are male, and straight, which has a whole heap of stereotypical behavioural traits that go along with that gender and sexual orientation.
You clearly don't work in the same way, but do you really need to ask this question? It seems like a no-brainer to me.
• #59
Infamy, infamy...
• #60
You clearly don't work in the same way, but do you really need to ask this question? It seems like a no-brainer to me.
It may be a no brainer to you but it had me genuinely stumped. -
• #61
Infamy, infamy...
they've all got it in for me…
• #62
Victoria Pendleton, while she's a great cyclist, fame is temporary as she's recognised during the olympic or any big event games.
Sheldon Brown, he's still well remembered after his death, will Victoria Pendleton will be remembered? probably not.
• #63
That's a bit harsh - Sheldon Brown was in his early 60s when he died. Victoria Pendleton is 27. She has some time left to leave her mark on the world.
Anyway, I'm sure if you did a straw poll in the UK Pendleton would be recognised far more widely than Sheldon (whose 'fame' is restricted to a small group of people, i.e. cyclists).
• #64
it is a bit harsh I must admitted, but it's a realistic outcome, I doubt Pendleton would leave a mark much like David Beckham, and while Sheldon Brown is only recognised by a small amount of people - he's still referred to a lots by a lots of people, even in his death.
• #65
The reason why I think people are interested in other people is to see what their motivations are, the better to understand them and perhaps to learn from them - whether by following their example or avoiding their mistakes. We also do have a tendency to be fascinated by the great drama of human life - I mean, we happily read books about fictional people because we think the books help us see the world in a different way, and I'd argue that good documentary work is a form of literature too, whether it's biography or journalism or whatever. You learn a lot about human nature that way.
Of course, good documentary work isn't just about famous people - sometimes, yes, but not always. And what distinguishes it is that it is thoughtful and perceptive and helps you understand.
In contrast to that, I think we find this celebrity culture so offensive because it's so cynical and superficial. If good documentary work is satisfying and educational, celebrity culture is junk food - empty calories that bloat the mind with crap and which fuck with how we understand personal fulfillment and self-realisation. It's pervasive and somewhat addictive, but ultimately it's an unhealthy product served up to us in order to satisfy our desire for instant gratification.
I'd be scared to think that David Beckham has made a mark - his main achievement in life appears to be have hitched himself both to the Man Utd marketing train and to the celebrity-obsession machine to earn himself millions whilst deteriorating steadily as a footballer. He's an example of what's wrong with this celebrity culture, if anything. -
• #66
Can I ask why people love famous people?
Why is celebrity so goddamn interesting?
for me, it depends on the type of celebrity.
i dont care about folks who are famous for things i dont care about... bb contestants dont get a look in. most musicians dont get a look in. models, movie stars, etc etc dont get a look in.but, i'd love to spend the afternoon with VP. why? because she does something im interested in. granted she is an attractive (or not) woman. but given the chance i'd love to spend time with Wiggo or Dervla Murphy or Graeme Fife or Rosie Dew or Mike Mentzer or Douglas Graham or a whole host of others including some of the rabble of this forum. i like to hear the stories, the struggle, the love of what they do, you know? what drives people, what doesnt drive people. fuck, just shooting the breeze hanging out with someone who has inspired you (er, me) or just made you laugh. The fact they some of these folks are famous in certain circle or (shudders at the word) celebrity is of no consequence in itself. its the impression they had left me with that makes me interested, not their fame.. people loving people BECAUSE they are famous is a crock of shit, and perhaps what you are gettin at. but the fact is, that the platform of celebrity can have a good side to it, motivational/inspirational/an ambassador for change etc. shame that it goes hand in hand with a celebrity "culture" that dums down the nation, serves to make us look stupid, and helps to perpetuate all of the issues that we all have with ourselves already - body image, sexuality, intellectual capacity etc etc.
I think its funny that people are trying to say about VP yea well she's a great cyclist, done a lot for our sport blah blah. where are the threads about other great track cyclist eh? the ones that arent hot girls? fairly limited i imagine. also, i wonder how many folks talking about "our sport" are actually track riders. riding fixed doesnt make you a track rider. to my eyes, the truth i more like this... wow, VP rides a bike, a fixed bike, and she's a girl, and she's hot.. thats it.
• #67
Fame is a crock of shit, it's all about the foldin', Holmes... I used to put my musical heroes on a pedestal when I was a lot younger, 'til I met some of them... That was a great lesson, no matter what kinda person you think/fantasize they're gonna be you'll always be disappointed cuz you've created this super-person in your mind they'll never live up to, they're just a regular, humdrum human being like you... Not that relevant, I know... Anyway, fame is bullshit... My 2c...
• #68
oh for sure you are totally right. i know that if i met all the above folks, i wouldnt necessarily get on with them or see them again, but to be fair thats the same with everyone isntit. i mean you decide if youlike them or not once you meet them. i guess that the famous bit is the bit that brings someone to your attention first and then if you were to meet them it might be different. perhaps its the smae as on this forum. i mean, you get to know people's internet personality, you know, then when/if you meet them you might go, ah well not my kind of person. i think ben fogle for example, has doen some amazing stuff andlike to read about it but fuck me i wouldnt want to spend any time in his company.
• #69
But Object,
Did you not know that it is the famous people who have started this new bike craze.
I for one would be lost without these celebrities
• #70
Sorry I grew up in deepest darkest Yorkshire.
The closest thing we had to celebrity was the local farmer who was arrested fucking his sheep/daughter/john deere/piece of granite [delete as applicable]. -
• #71
Granite Fucker.
• #72
They're hard up north..
• #73
They're hardly even comprehendable up north..
Fixed. -
• #74
the local farmer who was arrested fucking his sheep/daughter/john deere/piece of granite [delete as applicable].
Deletion inapplicable...
• #75
Surely they can't afford a John Deere up north. At least, not with some granite as well??
To be fair only 3 of those 4 threads are about me. But if you search STFO, that'll bring you back to 4.
Not sure what I'm arguing. Meerly stating that one of the 4 you highlight is irrelevant.