• #77
yeah chill ,
be like water,
fill every space,
expect people to piss you,
for every action theres on equal and oposite reaction.innit, I am getting better though there was a time when I couldn't help myself
• #78
Anger while you rollin' be a noble ting... You gotta fight... Etc...
• #79
I'm not talking about the aggressive "get off the fucking road" honking. More in the way of courteous "please don't pull out as I'm overtaking you".
• #80
I don't care, they should all be killed in the eyes, neck and heart... They're the enemy...
• #81
it is all sent to test you it will make you stronger, faster ,wiser ,fiter and more patient
• #82
• #83
I think the odd friendly toot went out of fashion in 1953
• #84
I think the odd friendly toot went out of fashion in 1953
You're always welcome for a friendly toot 'round at ours TSB... Good manners are never out of fashion at my place... :]
• #85
Glad no one's talking about bells anymore on this thread anyway...well done teens!
• #86
Yeah, let's all get fucked up! With bells on!
• #87
I guess round brixton they'd better be sawn-off bells tho?
• #88
Tom, you couldn't handle the truth! ;)
• #89
In my experience, 'oi!' doesn't work. People hear 'oi!' everywhere these days, so it could come from anywhere - no surprise that as logical as it seems to us, our direction may be the last place they look.
Go for the unexpected - I find that 'shoes!' works well.
• #90
You're doing it wrong.
My OI!!! makes people shit their pants.
• #91
MASSIVE WOLF WISTLE, works every time (i have yet to meet anyone who has a louder one though, yes i'm bragging about the strength of my wolf wistle, but if anyone wishes to challenge.........). the only minor setback is that it does require the use of one hand. i need to perfect the art of the fingerless wolf wistle, one man and his dog style. think you need to be gap toothed to pull it off.
• #92
Slight change of direction but how do you feel about cars using their horns to warn you they are approaching/overtaking from behind? (please ignore the potential for cheap puns!)
It happens in Nigeria and I think India and I like the theory behind it. It does however make for really effervescent and noisy roads, also due the the mentality over here I;m sure it would be taken by many as aggressive. A car did it to me recently and I felt quite grateful for the consideration shown by the driver.
ok when motorbikes do it (I appreciate the little peep that comes from their horns). not ok when cars do it - car horns can be really loud, and when I'm in the groove, I don't need 120db in my ear. Saying that I used to have a car which had a selectable horn, town (peep) and outside of town (HONK!).
• #93
You're doing it wrong.
My OI!!! makes people shit their pants.
that and "FOR FUCK SAKE!" work very well, the latter was because when I was cycling up an empty Kingsway Road in the middle of the day, all the light was green and quite up ahead what look like hundreds of pedestrians crossing the road despite the red walking light, and more than half of them seen me, but carry on walking sporadically in a "should I cross? do I have enough time before he get here? should I wait?" and ended up with a bizarre labyinth of people, within 10 metres after weaving left and right trying to find the best line to get through safety but in the end when I can't find a line due to people moving sporadically, I screamed "OH FOR FUCK SAKE!", and they run back to the pavement in embarrassement.
• #94
+1 (to RPM)
Ask not for whom the bell tolls...
+2 to RMP
Ask not for whom the bell knolls
• #95
every time i ride along the canal i think how useful a bell would BE.
• #96
i ride the canal evey day to work, everyday i think i gota put a bell on when i get home
every day i forget.every time i ride along the canal i think how useful a bell would.
• #97
pedestrians always respond positively to a bell they tend to give you evils if you shout at them to get out of the way
• #98
Why do you care what dirty peds think?
• #99
• #100
this is better