• #10802
Green man?
• #10803
Why do I put up with this?
I promise to video any fights that may happen. Though it would be a very short fight, I have been on the receiving end of plenty of shin kicks from Claira to know not to mess...
• #10804
They are kicks of LOVE!
• #10805
if thing get nasty will there be a paddling pool full of jelly handy?
• #10806
Hey wait what's this talk of Mr. Scruff? What a legend. Would well be up for that. Love that guy.
• #10807
if thing get nasty will there be a paddling pool full of jelly handy?
I dont really want to see Ben in a pool of jelly.
• #10808
Green Man? But -
Must be sensible, though, as PGM and I are riding to Guildford tomorrow morning
Oh, okay, I like cider
• #10809
Green Man? But -
Oh, okay, I like cider
The ride tomorrow will be fun. 45 miles while still pissed. Awesome. In!
• #10810
Good ride best way to shake a hangover.
• #10811
Just do the ride tonight at kicking out time. There and back.
• #10812
Must break my habit of just drinking old rosie when i go there though - dangerous times
• #10813
Must break my habit of just drinking old rosie when i go there though - dangerous times
They didn't have any on Wednesday evening so tried about 4 others including the rather rank organic vintage. Yep, you guessed it, more explosions yesterday.
Doing my best to live up to being 'the lush'.
• #10814
What time does this all kick off? Might have to try and sneak a swift one in on the way home.
• #10815
Talking of dangerous times - you out of the dog house yet?
• #10816
Talking of dangerous times - you out of the dog house yet?
Turns out it was only a qucik visit - cant be late tonight though otherwise it might become my new residence.
Here is a random amusing picture of Darcy in her sunglasses:
• #10817
Is she throwing blurred gang signs?
• #10818
Assuming I'm let out early today, can be there pretty much any time from 5/5.30 onwards.
• #10819
Is she throwing blurred gang signs?
She is well street, innit!
(Don't think she gets it from you Simon) ;)
• #10820
booyah. 50% of exams done, where are we going?
• #10821
more explosions yesterday.
this is disgusting. enough about your taut sphincter.
• #10822
Green man little bruv - how did the exams go?
• #10823
were fine thanks, most of the questions are just reworded versions of the practise essays we did during term i.e. "what is the problem of induction? is it rationally justified?" vs. "what is the problem of induction? why have philosophers found it so intractable?" philosophy all done, now just physics in a couple of weeks.
• #10824
enough about your taut sphincter.
Wow, hadn't realised you'd noticed. Was it on the Guinness ride? I was very drunk and we were in Soho.....
• #10825
Great shot of Darcey - mirrored shades FTW!
I have some leaving drinks to attend here: http://www.hansomcabkensington.com/ at 5pm
and am then going to a birthday knees up at the Chamberlain in Kensal Rise - so will no doubt be drinking nothing but Red Stripe and speaking in broad Jafakecan by the morning.
Up for a bit of cycling tomorrow and a possible jumble on Sat AM.
Will also chivvy my mate about the Mr Scruff guestlist.
Yes to NOT. Where?
Have allegedly been promised the afternoon off following a boozy leaving lunch for one of my team...
Must be sensible, though, as PGM and I are riding to Guildford tomorrow morning - if anybody fancies it (circa 40/45 miles I think)