• #2002
Was down in kent all day today so i wasn't around unfortunately. Next week hopefully! But i think tuesday is my new day off (every other anyway) so it might not be all that frequent.
• #2003
had such a good time today, my favourite one so far...
thankz dudeski's
• #2004
Barely recognised more than half the people there beside the regular! I did have a nice time thought, finally able to do a no handed track stand with surprising ease.
Koens' BMW is fucking lust, rode it for a bits and was already won me over, now I want one!
• #2005
who was it who brought the boom box last night?
• #2006
oh yeah and dude - that break is in the listening thread now..
• #2007
• #2008
oh yeah and dude - that break is in the listening thread now..
cheers but i couldnt find it, last post from you was 5 days ago...? dopped the link to the notorious mix there...
• #2009
Had fun last night, cheers
• #2010
who was the kiwi dude i was speaking to who said he was doing a fixed interpretation of the rip bones graphics? check it;
• #2011
That link goes to yahoo login for me..
• #2012
I managed to learn that my cage is too small for me after riding a couple of other bikes, I'm a size 9 and the cage is a size Small!!
• #2013
That link goes to yahoo login for me..
it go to Flickr showing *"oop you can't view this image, it's PRIVATE you nosey shitter".
* -
• #2014
I managed to learn that my cage is too small for me after riding a couple of other bikes, I'm a size 9 and the cage is a size Small!!
You mean your pedal cages?
If so i did the exact same thing at the start of last year on my dads old bike, except im size 12. Every time i tried to skid, it would bend the soul of my shoe making it terribly painful. -
• #2015
it wasn't so bad because of the choice of shoes I have, especially those with little room between the front of the shoes and the feet, now riding with a Nike one that have a gigantic room between the front and the feet, it's a bit scary.
• #2016
That link goes to yahoo login for me..
sorry, try it now http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3453/3300831919_5a37d1d857_o_d.jpg
will download you the big version of the image below
• #2017
• #2018
check the ramp too
• #2019
Widest image on this site.
• #2020
Powergrips ftw.
• #2021
who was it who brought the boom box last night?
Yep, that was me, nice to meet you.
See you all on Tuesday, someone else bring along some beer for Bummy the Security Guard this time. By the way he's invited us all to a BBQ he's holding (So long as we bring pretty girls). He's a bit of an odd fellow to be honest sometimes.
Looking forward to the Summer Special BBQ & Beats Trixie Dix Spectacular!
• #2022
Awesomeness, I might just load my bag up with a shed load of Kronny next week!
• #2023
So who's going tomorrow? Days are getting longer and nights warmer.
• #2024
Apart from today. I was surprised by how cold it was. Hopefully tomorrow will be warmer though. I should be there tomorrow. Do you want your forks Phil?
• #2025
bring on the kicker!
cheers all, see ya in a bit...