• #27
available for pantomime... wizard of oz, willy wonkas, starwars, etc.
• #28
gabes, sano was probably wearing these
• #29
shinscar, were you in the goonies?
• #30
dr jonessssss!
• #31
• #32
Finally.. a chance to remove the stupid pink header.
Where's one of those grafik dezignuz when you need 'em. -
• #33
keep skyline, but i want the eye to spin again!
- another 1. Why did it stop in the first place? feel I missed that post..
- another 1. Why did it stop in the first place? feel I missed that post..
• #34
this might be a supremely cack idea but could it be a group photo? i know there was talk of it and then you did the st pauls one, but could it be done proper like. in a line or something.
• #35
it could be done in sections like that epic trixie chix photo. perhaps lined up against the river on southbank with 'london' in the background. just a thought.
• #36
Superprecise has proposed this photo:
• #37
How hard is it to set up a random cookie generator... that can change the header/footer for the forum... which photoengers can submit photos to your spec 100px high etc. and the image changes.... like the bikepolo.ca blog. and have like a floating filled box above the image with london fixed gear ss blah in?
AND ... they even have it so you can vote for the image...ooo!
We could have snippiets of ride photos, bike photos, names and faces, POLO snaps even illustrations (the skyline)
I like this idea BTW as a more than happy compromise to my OP.
ps... i have a few images i would like to submit, if we could get this going.
• #38
cookie generator, anywhere near horatio = Armageddon
• #39
just as a little example 3 second gif thingy...
only changes when you refresh...not automatically.
• #40
i like it...especially the polo images,displays just a little bit...quite flirty. :)
• #41
cookie generator, anywhere near horatio = Armageddon
glass houses...
• #42
i like it...especially the polo images,displays just a little bit...quite flirty. :)
the bollocks was just too much!
• #43
now thats just silly...stooopid idea!
• #44
cookie generator, anywhere near horatio = Armageddon
• #45
i dont need to say that was a joke... but some nice crops of HH... even macro bike bits... random patterns (spoke) and map routes. We could have an ideas thread, that people who cant do the photo/ drawing thing can put down and somebody else can do for them.
• #46
yes, but NO pics of dales arse pla eeese
• #47
see what the leader says...if its possible....?
• #48
don't like the the east enders one.
• #50
i like that changing gif jobbie Shins posted.
i would actually prefer a forum which looks exactly like Microsoft Outlook or similar so it looks like i'm not skyvin...
old git ;)