• #77
Wouldn't be able to steer and I'd need to kill myself for owning a car :]
• #78
I'm bored of public transport. I'm close to tears at the though of needing to get back on a fucking tube, sit next to overweight retched humans breathing their damned miasma.
OIn the bonus. Painwise, it's almost sensible. I still can't do much in the way of lifting but other than that I'm not too bad.
I have my next fracture clinic on Monday morning and am hopefully that they'll tell me I can escape plating (the healing time for that is too fucking long).
Also, because I'm me and don't listen to sound advice becuase I'm stubborn and my own worst enemy, I went for a short ride (All of 5 minutes) last night on my polobike, ridiculous low gear = easy skidding.
I wouldn't be me if I didn't try. Basically I can ride, it's not sensible and will likely lengthen the healing process but I can almost ride properly again. I've done it with every other bone I've ever broken and my ruined knee.
Guess I'll see you all on the road sometime soonish.
• #79
good on yer Em. -
• #80
I think this is meant to be where you tell me I'm bad and should be punished?
Cheers though dude.
• #81
RIP Emilé, you will be missed.
• #82
na, i knew you would, just a case of when :)
• #83
Amazed it took me this long ;]
• #84
yes, actually i am
• #85
Being good is tedious and difficult and boring.
Being me is fun and dangerous (at timea) and most definitely not boring. -
• #86
well i'll be seeing you tomorrow. might be on my new bike
• #87
I thought you said scott had the keys to the locks and wouldn't be bribed.
And where is the story of falling off your skateboard and landing on your fucked arm to fully establish to all how reckless you are?Lock it back up for a few more weeks, give yourself half a chance.
• #88
• #89
No one will stop the Object. Having said that please take it easy and super cautious Mr Object. You'll only create more pain for yourself.
• #90
Public transport in this heat is just the worst. saps your very will to live and the pennies you need for your existence!the only answer is a forged Drs note and a bigger bag of grass. gets you out of the tube, work and into the sun.
Saying that my Drs note runs out next week!
If your house mates really cared for you they would re-create the risk of the roads whilst you spin away on the turbo trainer... act like peds and jump in front of you, hit you with wing mirrors. dress as mini cabs, re-create rain.... endless fun! -
• #91
+imMe, Scott has the keys to the bikes that weren't on the turbo trainer. The skateboard story happens to have been missed from this thread but ranted about on a number of occasions.
Murtle, Nice
Tommoy, got the tube today, will be being very careful. Don't worry I know I'm not healed.
Slag, You're right, my housemates must hate me. -
• #92
I think your a massive PRICK if you strat riding so soon. But if it makes you happy then i will totally be there when you burst into tears because it strats hurting again.Honesty is the best policy and all that.
• #93
Love you.
I agree I'm a prick by the way and I haven't said I will start riding again. Just that occasional leasurely jaunts at a slow pace for the next few weeks will keep me sane.
• #94
em, kick him in the nuts, grab his bike and lock it away, for his own good!
• #95
Why hurt him? he'll enjoy it too much..
• #96
Doctor update, No plate is needed and I'll regain the majority of movement back.
I'm still not officially allowed to do anything fun though. -
• #97
ah, good stuff em
• #98
• #99
Hurrah, you'll be able to knock over bikes 12 at a time.
• #100
Nice. No hip surgery. Keep healing well!