• #5802
^ That's what I was thinking!?
• #5803
In a nutshell, what is it?
a nut cracker
• #5804
a nut cracker is, ostensibly, outside the nutshell.
• #5805
is being able to tell if an image has potatoed at all like being neo? Do you see the world in pixles and code?...
If so can you tell me if buel wfafel* is real please? Its just, i've been having nightmares...
*extreamely nsfw
• #5807
Kinda win till the end and that cap appeared.
• #5808
i know, but the curiosity of it...
Im at home now so i only needed to worry i might loose my vision and not also my job...
Its fucken burned to my retinas!!!! FECK!!!!!
Haha, so typical. If it says NSFW, CB is drawn to it like a moth to a flame. His very own fail.
• #5811
Wow. What a weapon. Love it when he gets overtaken at the end.
Was I the only one hoping he'd stack it and that'd be the real fail...shame
He's also go some anger issues about people overtaking him, he's going to have to deal with that a lot being a bit weedy and all
• #5812
He's taken time to do a little research. This guy cracks me up though
• #5813
• #5814
• #5815
oh JEZUS CHRIST my eyes, my eyes!!!
ha-ha, chainbraker! of all the people to ignore the NSFW! anyways, sorry. I do genuinely want to know if its a Photoshop prank or the real deal as it has been playing on my mind. I even miss spelled it so the (evil sick perverted) people who knew about it could tell me if its real and the people who didn't wouldn't find it... I'll edit the post.
• #5816
dont stress about editing it man, its ok. I just cant have pics of things like that for work to see. If its linked rather and suitable warning so i dont open at work, then its ok. Ill definitely look at home!!!
Im not here to be a linknazi!!! Please dont edit it at all. Lets keep it for posteriority! -
• #5817
• #5818
her fail or journalist fail? I suspect the latter
• #5819
To be fair she only said they hit her house, could have just been thrown?
• #5820
To be fair she only said they hit her house, could have just been thrown?
This is true.
• #5822
Actually I think it's more of the photographer's ineptly of trying to show the dramatic of the situation by purchasing the bullet and get her to hold it.
I'm sure that incident did happen, just a poorly though out photo.
• #5823
Actually I think it's more of the photographer's ineptly of trying to show the dramatic of the situation by purchasing the bullet and get her to hold it.
I'm sure that incident did happen, just a poorly though out photo.
Cartridges, ed.
• #5824
dont stress about editing it man, its ok. I just cant have pics of things like that for work to see. If its linked rather and suitable warning so i dont open at work, then its ok. Ill definitely look at home!!!
Im not here to be a linknazi!!! Please dont edit it at all. Lets keep it for posteriority!cool, cheers man. i know you're not a link nazi, i just thought it was funny that the first responce was from you as i know its not cool for you to open this stuff at work. thank god you where at home!
anyway its seriously nasty, i hope to god its not real!
• #5825
a lack of market research fail.
your mate was called dad too?
or do most people use their mother and father's real names in their phones :)