• #24352
Portmanteaupen goal surely?
• #24353
fucking amateurs.
• #24354
Gah! Epic fail within epic fail.
• #24355
• #24356
Fail, me, tonight.
If you're gonna pick a fight with a car that beeps at you, probably don't do it on a friday night and definitely do it with a car that's choc full of young guys.
I'll have a black eye for crimbo but coulda been much worse...
• #24357
Not good. Fisticuffs?
Anything on the last Friday before Crimbo never works out well.
• #24358
Yeah but largely brought upon myself.
True, tis the season to be getting the train.
• #24359
• #24360
• #24361
busiest day for the year for nhs / drunk tanks
yay, huge manitee
• #24362
Dunno if it’ll get worse before it gets better...
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• #24363
certainly did.
me and my girlfriend tried to break up a fight by tottenham court road last night. it seemed to have calmed down til one guy who had been mostly uninvolved came up behind the guy i was trying to reason with and thumped him in the back of the head. he made a horrible slap as he hit the pavement.
all the fighty people immediately disappeared and i was left doing my best attempt at a recovery position on him.
sucker punched bloke was mostly ok thankfully. we gave statements to the police and got the tube in the wrong direction for 5 stops before realising.
any first aid course recommendations? felt completely incapable.
hope you're ok @M_V that sounds like an awful experience.
• #24364
Hope it clears quickly.
• #24365
Nice shiner!!
• #24366
A best attempt is better than no attempt and you did good - no one died. Investigate The Red Cross or St John Ambulance for a course or at least a first aid book if you want to gain confidence.
• #24367
Not good. Did they attack you en masse?
• #24368
Not sure what's going on here. Recently noticed a lot of street view from autumn this year is at night.
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• #24369
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• #24370
Nah, I think one got out, I swung a couple punches so then his mates got out.
• #24371
Yeah, have noticed that too. Quite annoying as I often rely on streetview for work.
• #24372
You can use the thing at the top left to go back in time but it's tiresome.
• #24373
Brutal, heal soon man.
• #24374
• #24375
Cheers, pretty painless other than if I screw my face up so could be a lot worse.
How can you screw up such a portmanteau open goal?
Clearly BREXSPLAINING, surely?!
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