• #22327
again. fuck off.
• #22328
lol. If I wind you up enough will you chase me?
;) -
• #22329
Next time someone nearly runs me down, i'll be sure to ignore it, so that people on a forum don't call me a twat.
• #22330
I just find the whole, wait for a slight infringement to film, chase down driver to confront on camera, post result on Internet to confirm victim status. All a bit depressing.
• #22331
Is that really 'nearly run down'?
Didn't even look close to me. Could be easily be wrong I guess.
• #22332
Could be easily be wrong I guess.
What? On the internet? NEVER!
• #22333
"wait for"
Is that the wait for as in waiting by the side of the road for them to come along or wait for as in continuing to use the road like normal until it happens?
Are you suggesting we shouldn't use the road as it's just us "waiting for it"?
• #22334
Had you been "waiting for them" by trying to use the road at the time?
• #22335
Next time someone nearly runs me down, i'll be sure to ignore it, so that people on a forum don't call me a twat.
Me too. That video has made me realise, when I chase after drivers to shout at them, what a twat I'm being.
• #22336
I think the driver shouted first.
• #22337
I'm suggesting thats the way it comes across.
If he chases down everyone that comes within 3 meters of him. To film a confrontation.
He'd get around quicker just walking.
Obviously he bagged a prize mouth breather here. Fair play.
• #22338
It's strange, at no point do you suggest the driver was just driving in circles looking for someone to endanger and shout at, would seem fair to both of them to say they are going in circles with one looking to attack someone and the other looking to be attacked?
• #22339
Clockwise or anticlockwise circles?
• #22340
Of course, the driver wasn't filming the incident with the hope of some great footage for their youtube channel.
• #22341
Bet the driver owns the footage.
The faceplant was a genius addition to his bid for youtube riches....... -
• #22342
Both driver and cyclist orchestrated the event for the fun of watching furious cyclists argue about it on the internet.
• #22344
Would you say the cyclists's response to that 'close' call was proportionate and/or constructive re improving driver awareness?
• #22345
As an untrained member of the public, sure. How much knowledge do you expect a cyclist who is being attacked to have?
• #22346
The same amount as any reasonably intelligent adult should have when it comes to conflict resolution in the public domain. I would also take slight issue with 'attacked', he drove quite close to him, this imo =/= attacked
• #22347
He followed with plenty of verbal abuse some shoving and then kicking before he injured himself enough to be stopped. Had a cyclist pulled/pushed at the cars mirrors in the same way as the driver did the riders camera/bike then it's not unusual for punches to be thrown.
Would you say the driver's response to that was proportionate and/or constructive re improving rider awareness?
You can apply all the questions you are to the rider to the driver...
• #22348
Can we just agree that they are both pillocks, in their own ways?
• #22349
Looks, to me, like the driver assaulted the cyclist three times, and on the third he came a cropper.
In an ideal world he'd have had a sudden, massive aneurysm when he was making the initial, close, entitled and selfish pass, and plunged into the cars on the right.
That it took another couple of goes before he encountered his comeuppance is unfortunate, but I have to admit, extremely funny.
I'd quite like a T-shirt with his image, in full flight, on it. Maybe with Superman colours to delineate red-pants, logo on chest etc.
He could be a new super-hero to help poor put-upon motorists fight back against the tyranny of being shouted at when they've endangered someones life due to their own selfishness and impatience.
• #22350
He could be a new super-hero to help poor put-upon motorists fight back against the tyranny of being shouted at when they've endangered someones life due to their own selfishness and impatience.
Ok the driver is more of a cunt than than the cyclists is a cunt.
But I just find the whole, wait for a slight infringement to film, chase down driver to confront on camera, post result on Internet to confirm victim status. All a bit depressing.
I guess I'm just more used to the fat aggressive driver breed of cunt.
If that makes me a cunt.