• #17727
The latter. People were actually a lot stupider in the past but you actually had to go and stand in a queue at the post office to find that out.
And have you tried talking to old people? Some of them don't even know what day it is.
• #17728
• #17730
Greatest fail is that the cock-end in the hipster glasses clearly doesn't know how to get off his bike by throwing a leg over the bars.
• #17731
Is the fail to do with the twat with his hand in between the bridge and the tyre or the no rear brake/foot retentionless/probably singlespeed conversion deathtrap?
I'm guessing it's a mix of both.
• #17732
Everything in that video is fail.
• #17733
The sound quality is poor.
• #17734
The 'fro needs more work too.
• #17735
Grey pisspot lid and brown shoes? No, no, no.
• #17736
I don't understand what is happening...
• #17737
Surely by deflating the tyre they'd have created room to free his wrist?
• #17738
Just take the wheel out.
I doubt they had any basic tools with them though
• #17739
Or just take the wheel out, as that's less like hard work than having to re-inflate a tyre
• #17740
Great minds etc.
• #17741
Clearly that's what they're attempting, were I fuckwit enough to get my hand stuck there though it'd be tyre down whilst the good samaritans try to muster a spanner between them.
• #17743
Simply can't be real
• #17744
D4nny again
No wonder comments are disabled. What the fuck! 0_o
• #17745
it is almost like he is trolling, or an utter retard
• #17746
I do hate the word retard, but in this case it's quite apt.
• #17747
I imagine this has it's own thread already, but for the record
• #17749
Think he is actually special needs, no?
So are people more ignorant post internets, or is their ignorance just more public?