• #16877
^by the sound of it, he stumbled over some difficult vowels before binning it into a wall.
• #16878
LiveLeak.com - The newest stupid trend.
What the fuck, world?.. y u so fucking stupid these days huh?
• #16879
These days? I've seen people do tha in the eighties.
It's pointless, but I don't see the fail?
• #16880
Condom flossing, haven't seen that for years.
• #16881
I don't know why sheath ought it was a good idea to make that video
• #16882
Because it was banned in Germany but the French let her.
• #16883
Either way I just can't condo*m*e it..
• #16884
Because it was banned in Germany but the French let her.
Bloody johnny foreigner at it again eh?
• #16885
this belongs on this thread
Either way I just can't condo*m*e it..
trying to hard, failing to be funny -
• #16886
Not trying hard enough if anything...
• #16887
Thought that might rub 'er up the wrong way eventually.
• #16888
From "In the news": Thatcher has died.
But this is a fail, CNN decided to use this picture to illustrate an obit:
Note the NSPCC badges....
• #16889
That's clearly not a fail.
• #16890
It is for NSPCC, now they are associated with two of the most hated people in Britain.
• #16891
You're really reaching for an angle on this.
Incidentally Thatcher isn't hated. The 3 months of national mourning and tributes which await us are testament to that
• #16892
I appreciate we have different views, particularly as I'm old enough to have been around back in her day (dunno - maybe you are too, but still, different views). I remember there was some jubilation when she left office, and even more when the Tories finally left. Obviously that didn't work out as we would have liked, and clearly we are talking about the death of an old lady here, and there is a family who have lost a mother and so on. But don't take the "mourning" that will take place in the News International owned newspapers and the rest of the media as being an indication that there are not people out there who didn't like her very much.
Anyhoo, in the end I would still hold out that using that picture on an obit does indicate a researcher/editor/whatever that didn't get the "don't use the photo of Jimmy Saville with the person you are trying to eulogise" memo.
The NSPCC was not in my original thinking - just an aside at the bottom. They got a cheque though, sort of win for them.
• #16893
Also, predictable enough, the mourning starts....
• #16894
Bloody johnnys
Doing it wrong.
• #16895
Doing it wrong.
Just doing it every weekend, not just 3 out of 4.
• #16896
Can we stop sharing liveleak stuff? It's the gooch of the Internet.
• #16897
Mainly the way he comes across on telly, perhaps it is not his fault as he was put there by other people.
Goes around moaning and poo-pooing peoples ideas saying it wont work and it sounds terrible, then at the end he is like "you see, I told you it could work, lucky I was here to give you all the critical advice".
Oh, I thought it was a vehicle to move the tv programme towards a dramatic conclusion. Same thing you'd do when you write an essay.
• #16898
From "In the news": Thatcher has died.
But this is a fail, CNN decided to use this picture to illustrate an obit:
That's brilliant. Kudos to the US journos who obviously know their trade.
• #16899
Just doing it every weekend, not just 3 out of 4.
You wear a condom for the fourth week? Don't trust your wife?
• #16900
found his personal channel, and it appears he recently offed..