• #16652
I don't think he had a choice.
• #16653
Doesn't look like he knows what's going on let alone where he is.
• #16654
To balance it up a bit - it's not like she's in for a treat either
• #16655
He looks like a post op female to male transexual
• #16656
This gem could / perhaps should go in one of the cycle campaigning topics, but this is it's real home:
• #16657
He looks like a post op female to male transexual
Posted by apollo in In The News.
No need to operate anymore. -
• #16658
cool as fuck thread >>>>>
• #16659
• #16660
They said ...... "WHILE IT IS CU..........
• #16661
That's like not curing someone because 'god wanted' them to be sick, when he gets I'll see if he won't take the medicine. -
• #16662
Haven't you heard? We're all created sick because of original sin and must make ourselves better through repentence and through 'his love'...
WACReligion thread >>>>>>>>>>
• #16663
• #16664
• #16665
Would love to stab her in the face.
Then punch her kidney.
• #16666
My cousin had to be taken out of his school because of people with attitudes like that. He had a cochlear implant, and although he went to a regular primary school there was a number of deaf families with kids at the school who made it very clear, in pretty unpleasant ways, to my cousin and his parents that they thought that his implant was entirely the wrong choice. Apparently it is a common attitude in the deaf community.
• #16667
The simple idea that anyone can object to someone trying to correct a disability or lessen its impact on their life gives me a hint of rage....
They can try to justify it with any reasoning they want but at the end of the day the decision is the choice of the afflicted, and theirs alone. -
• #16668
Yes, the deaf vs Deaf thing. Apparently, the hearing community and deaf are worse than Hitler and Uncle Toms respectively, while the Deaf are bigoted child abusers. It's a lovely rational discussion topic.
• #16669
^ deaf versus Deaf thing? I am interested (long story), could you provide a link to background?
• #16670
^ deaf versus Deaf thing? I am interested (long story), could you provide a link to background?
Background here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deaf_culture
The ramifications of Deaf culture can be found here: http://www.guardian.co.uk/science/2008/mar/09/genetics.medicalresearch
• #16671
Ta. Quickly reading, although I will have a better look later, confirms what I thought, that it is largely a linguistic thing. I have always been fascinated by this - the idea of sign language as a real living language, not something which is making do for the lack of a real language. I love the way that you can see (hear?) accents when you see deaf people signing... you see cool young kids using a more languid motion to sign. The slightly prim old ladies seem to use a more precise clipped movement - one could image them decrying the deaf (Deaf?) youth for not speaking properly. Just like they do in English, French, whatever.
• #16672
People like to think that people who don't function like a 'normal' human are 'broken' and therefore need fixing. This can be a big issue because people who are 'different' to the supposed 'normal' shouldn't feel like they need fixing. There's a difference between imposing a 'fix' on someone and the person choosing to change something about themselves.
• #16673
^ This
• #16674
People like to think that people who don't function like a 'normal' human are 'broken' and therefore need fixing. This can be a big issue because people who are 'different' to the supposed 'normal' shouldn't feel like they need fixing. There's a difference between imposing a 'fix' on someone and the person choosing to change something about themselves.
This is true, but at the same time it is also wrong to victimise someone because they have chosen to change something about themselves.
• #16675
Yes I agree with you there entirely. I neglected to add that to my comment. It appears like a case of being over-protective?