• #10302
Talking must be difficult.
What happens when he sneezes?
• #10303
This morning I waited as someone tried to manouvre a truck load of concrete slabs into a side-road, driver struggling, sweating, to-and-fro-ing... noticed the number plate was FML.
• #10304
• #10305
What's a whore's bath?
Its where you wash in a sink.
Done.I call it mini bath. Big bath is for Saturdays (after Fridays).
• #10306
^I don't know which sink to take (kitchen or bathroom).
• #10307
Kitchen one ain't for washing. You don't wash where you piss.
• #10308
^Oh la di da
• #10309
Yes, I'm posh like that.
• #10310
^gentrification kills off another proud east end tradition I see. :(
• #10311
Air France shows Comair who's boss:
• #10312
Talking must be difficult.
Look at the state of his glasses!
• #10313
could have gone a lot worse all in all
• #10314
Strange, I didn't really notice his glasses.
He looks fucking dreadful.
I bet he gets up every morning, looks in the mirror, and says to himself,
"Hmmffuffer huffer huff thuffer fuff." -
• #10315
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-pacific-13047911 could be win i guess
• #10319
could have gone a lot worse all in all[/QUOTE]
Why didn't he just land it in that glade to begin with?
• #10320
he thinks 'WIN' but I guess for being filmed doing it, it's probably fail
• #10321
saw a guy cycling on a bike that was proclaiming its' self to be made my "Fasto Copi" on my way to work today.
• #10322
You did want to go more like even like what?
• #10323
• #10324
Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
• #10325
Yo momma's fat.