• #25827
In for tonight.
• #25828
Yeah, can do.
• #25829
It's 25 degrees out. Why do people always wait until late afternoon to get on the list???
• #25830
I'm surprised that you're surprised doc!
• #25831
is it Mitch or Downs? up for some polo tonight, hope for 6 and 25
• #25832
Downs. That's 3.
• #25833
Is Gabesfest still going on or something?
• #25834
I'll text sean and spikes.
• #25835
I'll have a pint around the corner and unless there's 6 by 6.30, I think I'll pop by beginner's
• #25836
Ah ... must be that little thing called the Euros ...
• #25837
chukker come south on the weekend?
• #25838
Thanks, B, but my mom's here so I won't make it out for polo this weekend.
• #25839
bring her down? :)
• #25840
Yes please!
#inappropriatemumgags -
• #25841
Anyone up for Hackney downs tomorrow?
• #25842
come south ben! Consolidate the compass points.
• #25843
Don't mind that too, but just trying to see if I can stay north.
• #25844
Hey, I'm up to play in Hackney tomorrow, is it happening?
• #25845
Check back later and see, will play Downs if there's numbers, otherwise will pop by Herne Hill. It's a quick train ride from Moorgate which is 2 minutes from Liverpool Street.
• #25846
come south Tias!! call 0seven9five6 5three1zero4four if you get lost.
• #25847
Any polo Saturday am?
• #25848
Mad in.
• #25849
Who is in and from when? Desperate for some games.
• #25850
Weathers looking a bit shit, so gonna give it a miss. Sorry
Come to the Sebright northern London @londonbikepolo and see a free band at 9. The franklin electric . Googlerize them. Good hosers.