• #1527
I think it says "The Cage" on the wall. It also says "Ray sux tramps cox" but i'm not sure we should refer to it as that.
• #1528
Foam hands?
(I'll be there)
• #1529
I think it says "The Cage" on the wall. It also says "Ray sux tramps cox" but i'm not sure we should refer to it as that.
People would assume that you were stating a well known fact; it would be about as sensible as saying "Object has piercings" or "Fiddy has several expensive bikes".
• #1530
I'm going to go an a wee ride before polo tonight and check out a few more courts.
• #1531
My back is fecking killing me this morning, i'm on the polo bike but I don't think I got much polo in me. To say I am mother fucking shit fuck cunting annoyed would be a considerable understatement.
• #1532
That's unfortunate, Dapper Dan. Come down to the cage tonight and see how you feel. A few tins may help the back somewhat?
• #1533
see you laters.
• #1534
Tom. I could possibly join on this ride.
• #1535
That would be sweet mark. I'll email you the proper map linky so you can see the exact location of the courts. Maybe skip those two north west ones to get to polo at a decent time (although from the air the one in Barnsbury looks awesome!).
• #1536
i got a few if you want to check out some more...
http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?ie=UTF8&hl=en&msa=0&msid=102387196949071276016.000456af516436179a49d&t=h&z=12 -
• #1537
Cheers ray
• #1538
i personally wouldnt mind a second opinion on:
trixie dix car park....i think its useable, slight change in height to the edges but good i think at the 4th floor... its quite lo too.
smith fields market the blocked entrance(closest ent. to farringdon road) (for 2 on 2)... oh and mike checked out the one on aldgate east... its locked after 8.
• #1539
Spitalfield's car park is too low for me to be comfortable. Have done some tricks on the floor below the top (3rd? 7th? 12th?), and didn't hit my head, but still.
Although someone did hit their helmet on one of the lights.
• #1540
I'm out today.
• #1541
oh dear.
• #1542
object, what? NS games, eh?
• #1543
• #1544
My mallet is at home. I'm chronically hungover. I've made a total mess of my life. Ray gave me badAIDS. I should be working late but I'm going home to watch
crapgood TV.Pick 3!
• #1545
• #1546
oh dear. you need a hug and a kick in the nuts dont you.
• #1547
Good thing about being object is things can't seem to get any worse - the world is shit, people are shit, sunny weather is shit, drinking is shit, and NS are shit. you miserable cunt.
• #1548
Oh Mark, I picked up a foam hand for you from the Olympic Ceremony people on my way to work...
• #1549
hah, I hope that's not a joke.
If I can get a Tonite one, my collection will be complete (two, one for each hand).
Actually, I have an inflatable t-mobile jersey one from the tour.
• #1550
No I'm totally serious. I picked up two of them.
They're like an inflatable version of the one of the left of this picture...
Broadway Court = The Pit
Unless I got it completely wrong, I'm pretty sure the name's painted up on one of the walls there.