• #88152
No worries, I compensate for that.
• #88153
Anyone seen around interwebz a frame like this? China or not china, really need it for a friend. It has really tight geo... -
• #88155
wow, just what I was looking for thanks, now i just need some phils to 42mm and paul cranks for friends budget fixie
• #88156
now i just need some ... paul cranks for friends budget fixie
• #88158
^ Much better price too
• #88159
Miro_o, that's the local place where they used to be, currently out of stock and not planning to order these frames, that's why I'm asking as exactly this is needed.
Friend want's it with geo like this:
https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/t1/920_485287754827260_1332739492_n.jpg (sorry for the anti build)
I know where to get something with 2x wheelbase but needed for minidrome purposes and can't think of any alternatives. -
• #88160
tight? really?
• #88161
That visp isn't the same, but if you pay attention to build I posted then you can notice that it isn't far from pedal overlap
more pics: https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/t1/s720x720/311633_439121152777254_935260539_n.jpg -
• #88162
Oh you want that exact frame, i thought you just meant similar, bendy tubes n shit.
• #88163
No, it's for a pretty cheap build. Me no likey, but what can I say.
• #88164
They're all ugly as fuck, tell your mate to ease up on the pot.
• #88165
Tell him to get a pre cursa or a mercier kilo TT.
• #88166
Paul cranks, fuck that.
• #88167
Paul fucks, crank that.
• #88168
paul's crank fucks that
• #88169
That crank fucks Paul.
• #88170
Paul fuck crank that
• #88171
tight? really?
that wouldn't be half bad with different wheels, frame, finishing kit, wheels, drivetrain etc.
• #88172
What's this about Paul's rank cat?
• #88173
the room is win
• #88174
still struggling to find 5mm-4mm step down ferrules. can't believe noone in the UK stocks these in bulk WTF.
• #88175
Talk to cheesecakeinternational, he had loads
Can we ban this guy just for bringing the general IQ of the forum down by catastrophic amount?