• #87652
Lo Pro gone?
Lovely nevertheless! -
• #87653
No way, Lo pros a keeper!
• #87654
Addition to my lopro. My new beater:
Needs new saddle which I'll propably get tomorrow (Rolls) and woul'd love to find some cheap wheel set instead of Pista Navigators.
• #87655
That looks like a lot of fun, wheels are perfect for a beater right?
• #87656
[IMG=http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/800x600q90/706/ntuv.jpg][/IMG]}"]http://{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252 {\fonttbl\f0\fnil\fcharset0 .HelveticaNeueInterface-M3;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;\red71\green71\blue71;} \deftab720 \pard\pardeftab720\sl360\partightenfactor0 \f0\fs22 \cf2 \expnd0\expndtw0\kerning0 \outl0\strokewidth0 \strokec2 [IMG=http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/800x600q90/706/ntuv.jpg][/IMG]}[/URL]
• #87657
• #87658
Did you mean
? -
• #87659
I really like that orbit. Steep.
• #87660
Orbit is very nice, and there is nout wrong with Navigators for a beater wheelset.
• #87661
Thank you for kind words.
When I get the new saddle, will do better pics... -
• #87662
that super slack merckx is really asking for a nitto 66, porteur bars and a rack, inna gaston stylee.
• #87663
Just test rode Pinnacle Arkose Two to try out TRP Hylex.
I must say I am massively unimpressed with Hylex. I dont want to universally judge all road 'direct' hydraulics but they feel maybe 5% more direct than V twin and maybe 10% more direct by properly set up rim brakes.
Judging by this wont hold my hopes high for Hy/Rd either.
2/10 Would not buy
• #87664
maybe 10% more direct by properly set up rim brakes.
Judging by this wont hold my hopes high for Hy/Rd either.
2/10 Would not buy
Just to be clear you mean they are still better than road rims (albeit marginally) or they are worse?
• #87665
they are marginally better .. like really tiny margin. Maybe its just Hylex.
• #87666
IMO the main benefits of disc brakes on road bikes are less rim weight and consistent braking in the wet. As long as they're not worse, I'm not sure they need to be any better than properly set up calipers.
• #87667
Aye, properly set up rim brakes offer excellent performance in the dry, they're just shit in the wet, wear your rims out etc.
• #87668
TM - if nothing else discs are valid for your last point, the wheels on my Enigma still look like new after thousands of miles in all weathers. Less miles on my CAD2 Cracknfail carrying a lot less weight and there is serious wear to the brake surface. I am still on the original brake pads with the Shimano road discs as well.
It is inevitable that they will come into general use just because they are easier to maintain, less fussy about set up and continual adjustment and they work in the wet everytime.
• #87669
Sorry, misread your post so deleted mine!
• #87670
I took a picture this morning of the frame with some wheels in it:
• #87671
Your fit gonna be like
• #87672
I seriously thought the pink stripe on the TT was chopped on in the first pic
• #87673
Your fit gonna be like
You convinced me, it isn't going to work for me.
• #87674
^would be cool, banana saddle and bmx bars
• #87675
Freakxie frame !!!
Fuck me that is gorgeous