• #9927
hmm, yeah i am on there, however they seem like such a huge hassle, i would have to partition my mac or buy a cheap windows computer just to run it and then they seem to be forever breaking or malfunctioning.
I'm really not tech savvy enough to deal with all the hassle of the set up, however the results do look great!
starting to get the hang of my scanner a bit more now, making contact sheets of my time in america, will share some here!
• #9928
Yo! Yeah of course, the one down the road from me has loads, but only the 24 one. How many are you after/where you based?
• #9930
2 Attachments
• #9931
..that "crane" one is even better than the last one you posted; nice composition, and neat tones!
• #9932
Ive got a bit of a thing about cranes,always thought it would be a cool job,on the really big
ones.......It was a very bright day and I was not optimistic cause of Konicas limitations....
need to get an ND filter I think. -
• #9933
Also Tina if you want some cheap Vista 200 will happily pick some up and post to you.
• #9934
..thanks for the kind offer - I'm not in the UK though, so postage-wise this would only make sense if I ordered quite a lot, and my fridge is still pretty full with film from last year..
• #9935
If anyone's needing to replace seals, I found some 1.2mm neoprene foam offcuts in my lab with 3M adhesive backing - just the job on my new Electro35MC.
If you want the rest, PM me.
This thread has rekindled my interest in 35mm, looking forward to faffing about with the MC as soon as the battery arrives - Vista200 primed and ready, results to follow!
1 Attachment
• #9936
Big thanks to @JackFlash and @Vesalius for the hook ups on the pound land film
In other news, took the Hexar out for a spin last night with the flash and here are some mediocre results. Hear - Tmax 400 Flash Auto A x A setting? no idea if thats right though -
• #9937
new camera day. Liking having a compact.
• #9938
when using vuescan does anyone know how im able to manually select several parts of the negative to scan. (like you can on the epson software)
• #9939
from the last roll
• #9940
• #9942
It is a great architectonic relief of a facade that begs to be photographed (or drawn) :-)
• #9943
:-) ...and some messy geometric relationship from urbanscape
• #9944
Just finished shooting my 3rd roll of Portra 400. Looking forward to seeing the results.
Also just noticed my Dynax 7000i doesn't alarm for when it runs out of shutter speed (ie goes to 4000 I'm probably massively over exposed) I just assumed as it had a slow shutter speed 'beep' it would let me know when it couldn't go fast enough.
Expecting a good few burnt out shots from those 3 rolls :(
• #9945
Maybe you've been shooting in a mode that chose a smaller aperture if 1/4000 wasn't fast enough for a proper exposure?
Just a thought; I've never used a Dynax.. -
• #9946
Nah, I was using aperture priority, going for that shallow depth of field and being a noob. Digital makes everything easy and I would have instantly saw I was overexposing...... which I guess is kind of why I'm shooting film too: tough lessons are well learned.
• #9947
Colour neg is VERY forgiving of overexposure.
• #9948
Hopefully not ruined too many shots then!
• #9949
• #9950
Can't help with the lens. But if you're after a small rangefinder, a Ricoh 500g is heaps of fun. Nice viewfinder too. Get light seals replaced though, as these turn sticky.
Yeah no problem fella, is there a max number you're after? I can just get what's there, but that's probably excessive haha
edit:got your pm