• #21102
Ah, that is close to awesome.
• #21103
Scans back from Filmdev :)
Rolleicord VB and Ektar 100 / Portra 100
1 Attachment
• #21104
3 Attachments
• #21105
Those images came out great. How do you find setting the exposure on the rolleicord, do you use an external light meter?
• #21106
Never, unless I'm shooting slide (and I still often fuck it up).
I usually err on the side of over exposure. Portra will easily accommodate 3 stops over as will Ektar. My understanding is actual overexposure of good quality negative film is pretty hard to do. https://www.35mmc.com/02/05/2016/overexposure-latitude/
• #21107
Ricoh R1 + Kodak Color Plus
5 Attachments
• #21108
Great article; good job I've got a few roles to experiment with!
• #21109
If you do two posts with 3 attachments each they display full - think the max is 5.
• #21110
More from the Rollei
3 Attachments
• #21111
these are brilliant; the 4th one reminds me tangentially of stephen pippin
• #21112
@mi7rennie ..some really beautiful ones once again. Also they look sharper compared to your earlier Rollei shots, are you doing something different?
• #21113
@YeahNerdz nice vibe in these..
• #21114
Yeah, I shoot F8 a lot now!
• #21116
Ive said it up thread, but I love my Dynax 5.
I would recommend it to anyone.I was flicking through some pictures and reckon the original kit lens that came with it is better than I remember. I tended to the 50mm prime but theres a wealth of cheap lenses, the telephoto minolta lenses were amazing, Ive leant mine to my brother in law who is using it on his full frame sony.
• #21117
Moody Jesus is hella moody.
• #21118
Any tips/recommendations on buyin my first rangefinder?
• #21119
The top one especially is amazing. But all good.
You really have a fantastic eye, my favourites you post are usually your out and about portraits.
• #21120
Yashica electro 35, one of the newer ones that meter up to 1000iso (GTN? I think?) They're great cameras and cost next to nothing.
(Also for future reference we have a "what gear should I buy" thread for this kinda thing!)
• #21121
Thank you very much, I do love using the Rollei and very much looking forward to receiving the Leica M4 back and shooting lots of film!
• #21122
Sent my OM1 and OM4 off for service. Turns out they both needed quite a lot of work so opted to just get the OM1 done - figured a reliable mechanical camera is probably a better bet in the long run. And it better be a long run for £230 all done(!).
• #21123
Budget? Will be kinda key here. Also, 35mm or 120? Fixed or interchangeable lens?
• #21124
Olympus mjuI + expired Jessops 200
3 Attachments
• #21125
Got my first ever roll of film back today, from the Zenit. Pretty please as I wasn't 100% that the camera was working.
5 Attachments
It is indeed! I reckon if you can get a good lens for it, it will be a cracking little slr!