• #13602
Last two from the Graflex's first outing, both had huge vignetting due to me maxing out the tilt movement. Need to watch that in future!
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• #13603
I was wondering how much tilt you can get away with.. The lens is clearly huge, and presumably pretty decent, but with such a large format it can't be long before you're peering through the crappy bits around the outside - especially at larger apertures
• #13604
Photos are suitably amazing too, you must be pretty happy...
• #13605
These two were shot at F2.5, a combo to avoid in future.
• #13606
Hexar/cinestill 50d
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• #13607
shot at 50? where are you getting the film from?
• #13608
Just shot a roll of this, but haven't got it developed yet. That first shot looks pretty grainy.
• #13609
Photographers gallery.....lomo shop sells it ...T court rd camera shop at the top.
• #13610
love the 2nd shot, any more?
• #13611
Think its more my camera skills ....trying to zone focus with the hexar is tricky.
• #13612
Nice, I have a couple of rolls on order, as well as some 800 :-) I'm excited to shoot it
• #13613
this prob best from last summer......same 50d
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• #13614
pretty much the perfect film for the Hexar with its top ss of 250.
• #13615
Last one is really nice.
• #13616
Silver Print has it for just under £10 I think. It's £12 at the Photographers Gallery.
• #13617
cheers! I was going to go with these guys: http://ntphotoworks.com/shop/product/motion-picture-remjet-films-dev-scan-35mm/
They sell the films too: http://ntphotoworks.com/shop/product/kodak-5219-vision3-500t-35mm-30exp/
• #13618
The Cinestill can be developed in C-41, as they have taken the remjet layer out.
• #13619
Thats why i like it....snappy snaps for the 1hour.......(yeh I know)....caught this fella enjoying
some alfresco dining today....
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• #13620
Blazer and shorts. Smart-casual.
• #13621
Yep that offsets the price of developing with them. Will give it a try .. how realistic is 50 iso? Never shot so low.
• #13624
Yeah, definitely better on bright days as opposed to overcast. I just spent a week in Cuba shooting mainly Velvia 50 and didn't have any problems (even though there was some light cloud some days) , but did have to open the lens up if I was in narrow streets without direct sun.
Will be better to use once the days start getting longer here.
• #13625
one more @50d
1 Attachment
Cheers bud, simiar to doing 6x6 but I made a neg holder from two bits of anti newton glass. Just move it around the light source break the image into 9 and then stitch in Photoshop. The negatives are awesome.