• #27
It is very cool and you've succeeded in making me waste the last 8 minutes looking for a googlewhack :]
• #28
'deciduous monosyllabalic' - 0 results. is that acceptable?
• #29
no, a googlewhack has to have only 1 result, is that right?
• #30
Yes. Two search words, one resulting link. There are other rules too like the result not being a simple world list and blah blah.. go check the site out. I just bought Dave Gorman's book about it after seeing his stand-up show on TV ages ago..
I've got two entries on the whack stack but can't remember them.
Wait.. blogged it.. haha fucking nerd.. http://www.thehippy.net/nucleus/index.php?itemid=63
ha and now l-y-c-a-n-t-h-r-o-p-e b-l-i-s-s-f-u-l-n-e-s-s returns 320 results!! It was easier in 2004...
• #31
'monosyllabalic fertile' - woo-hoo! back to work now..
• #32
Well done. :)
• #33
21 hours later
you want to go back to the hospital and complain. they've quite clearly left a load of old screws in your arm, you can see them on the x-ray clear as day.