• #152
shit that was quick! I'm still PPing 600 images from today...
I was the idiot with the ridiculously large camera...
• #153
Great Pics Chris. Well done Roxy, volunteers and competitors looks like you all had a great day.
• #154
another white wine spritzer, don't mind if I do…
• #155
^^^ the disk wheel says it all ;-)
• #156
Great event, nice one Roxy. Good times, good turnout, good to see so many peeps.
On way back I p*nct*red at Old St and managed to crawl to Notting Hill before I had to start walking. I was en dansant all the way to keep the weight off the back - nearly killed me!
• #157
all that rapha and you cain't change a tube, honky?
• #158
usually my man does it. it was his day off.
• #159
of course.
condor are shut on sundays
• #160
• #161
Just wanted to say what a great day. Great quality polo, great atmosphere, great shit talking, copious ammounts of beer and red bull. Well organised Roxy!!!
and i can't forget the great after tournamernt polo in the North East Court.
Epic day, something that seems to be a classic with events on this forum
• #162
now we know who made everyone fall in front of the cameras :
• #163
absolutely EPIC day today - I'm gonna be grinning like a Cheshire Cat for a week.
Big ups to all involved with organisational bits and my team meats Emily and Matt - We fucking ruled that first game and think it was a great intro to the day! Good work team!
Also props to BAD, RMY and Team Trouble, you all provided us with some epic entertainment (as did every team).
Have pics which I'll try and get up soon - good work on yours Chris.I consider myself blessed to be involved in this whole 'bike thing' we have going on, so many great people involved - so big up to everyone of you guys.
• #164
bright times! thanks to all the awesome teams, Roxy for taking charge and organising a hell of a tournement, my fellow refs seb, teddy and hassan (whistle nazi) and to my fellow trixies for organising a brilliant after party, oh and 50/14 for bringing me that pint of OJ and Lemonade that led to my second wind and ability to ride home.
Off to Berlin tomorrow, see you soon!..and sleep.
• #165
EPIC day!!
Well played all; more pics to follow, but I can't resist the perfect HOMO alignment...
• #166
ha! thanks yorgo...
today was amazing,I've never been happier while playing polo.the support was overwhelming.
few peps i want to say thanks to:
Roxy first off for organising an amazing tournament.
Sarah/Ally/Joe were brilliant players and great supports.
the man like Robb...you's the man...man!
M.O.H are such a laugh...great guys! thanks for the bike shin.
Bill for supplying me with beer and enough mindless chit-chat to keep the nerves at bay.
max and his boyfriend jack for drawing little gay pictures on our disk wheels.
Team Trouble aka Muna, Agata and Estelle...you were brilliant,great game! x
The referees including Seb and Clefty.
Tom, john and lee for doing a great job of representing the south side.
Zombie RMY aka Rob, Mike and Yorgo...without doubt the most difficult game I've had to play.you guys were brilliant.
Dave aka DT aka 'the tapster'---------you my friend are a fucking genius!
Brendan----i think the rediculous amount of hugs i gave you today suggest how i feel :) well played!
this list could go on...sorry if I've missed you out of my speech;don't cry.
• #168
i know its already been said but it really was such a great day
I wasn't playing but was there all day and the atmosphere from all the spectators made it fantastic - the tension in the semifinals and finals was incrediblei think polo is definitley the best game EVER to watch [and play] - so much more interesting than football, basketball or anything else in the olympics
so thanks again for a great day -
• #169
I forgot to add thanks to all the foreign teams, different styles and great people for making the effort to come a long way for a tournament
congratulations to all -
• #170
good fucking day.
• #171
my shins are swollen tres large and my grin is as big as a sailboat. I had such a great day, too drunk to thank all now, but suffice to say all the thread above has made me laugh as much in five minutes and summed up the day splendidly. aidan, dave, rmy, the splendid germans. roxy, the trixies, the referee is not[U]a wanker.[/U]
you rock.
so many thing were good about today. so many things. I really can't summaries.
but the support was amazing, aidan is bang on, best prize we got, sorry scott. :)
xb -
• #172
EPIC day!!
Well played all; more pics to follow, but I can't resist the perfect HOMO alignment...
• #173
:) -
• #174
Is that aidan and is he still grumpy? :P
• #175
Alignment. Good photo. Good night.
awesome pics