• #52
with a thread like this who would ever need an agony ant??
• #53
oh and what abouth that M.O.P song?? "Anty up, drop that fool..."
• #54
Glad you didn't get antsy about it
• #55
The ant icipation is killing me, more, more!
• #56
dunno about you, but i'm feeling a little indign ant about all this.
• #57
• #58
This thread's the ant ithesis of productivity.
• #59
3 for the price of 1:
• #60
London Fixed-gear ant Single-speed
(go on, VB, you know it makes sense...)
• #61
your mums sister telling an insect how things have got worst
- aunty depress ant -
- aunty depress ant -
• #62
F@@k this . . .i'm off to Ant igua
• #63
ths lot is antrocious.
• #64
Oh my fucking god. I just went out on my lunch break, chuckling to myself at all the ant puns. Cycled to the bank to pay rent, and on my way back some fucking chelsea mum swung out of her drive in her 4x4 and clipped my back wheel. I managed to stay upright but by the time I'd stopped and turned around she was long gone. Fucking bitch.
[/ r ant]
• #65
what does the pink panther say when he treds on a ant
dead ant dead ant
dead antdeadantdeadantdeadant dead ant......... -
• #66
my entry as the next contestant
• #67
my entry as the next contestant
whats your name and where do you come from?
hi name's antgelica ant i'm from london.
Oh really which part?
i live by regants park....
boom boom.
• #68
sorry folks that was rubbish. it wasant worth even reading.
• #69
oh dear that was unpleasant
• #70
sorry folks that was rubbish. it wasant worth even reading.
• #71
• #72
STOP back to work
• #73
yea, you're right. this jokes so old its practically antique...
• #74
it's certainly getting a bit over indulgent.
Oh hold on that does ant work.
• #75
ant ever seen nothin like it.
But we won't know anthill all the puns are out...