• #52
On a walk back from whittington's, heading up Archway road, a white golf came screaming to halt as I hit the turning to the GUM clinic (it was for a mate...) this little black kid (Wright-Phillips with a bad upbringing and badder tracksuit) comes screaming out the car with a 8" blade.
He runs across the road and starts on this cyclist, who jumps off the bike keeping his distance (with a bit of soft hand air kung fo, bit like the old dancing to progressive house?)Well this knife wielding nipper then proceeds to slash the types, seat and hack the frame, kicking 7 bales out of it. After some Jeremy Kyle style rants; two mates by his side, he decides to pick the bike up and stick it in the car and fk off.
I walked over the cyclist to see if he is alright and it turns out the Golf drove across his line on Holloway road hitting him. the cyclist pulls up alongside at the lights, rests his hand on the window sill and points out how they nearly killed him.
Sean Wright decides he shouldn't touch his car and tries to teach him a lesson; chasing him 2 miles and trying to stab him!?Fking cyclists!!
• #53
Kill 'em all.
Anyone know a descent supplier of 50 calibre ammunition in London? I'm having trouble getting it through customs from the US..
• #54
That horn is mental. I just bought one as a b-day gift for a friend of mine. He used it this afternoon on a car, and the driver jumped, scared shitless...
whatever turns your crank I guess...
• #55
I generally give the finger and leave it at that.
However, in the autumn there was a fucking white van driver who cut me off 4 days in a row at the same point (we seemed to have identical schedules) on my route to work, with him ending by giving me the finger and yelling wanker. Well the 5th day in a row I saw him coming and punched the side of his van - dented van and I've never seen him again. That's about as violent as I've been - even the person who caused me to break my hand, I was relatively subdued.
• #56
Getting into car = stupidest thing i've ever heard.
In this instance it was an elderly gentleman, so was probably just scared out of his wits. However, if you got into the car of some fuck-ugly brainless shithouse who cut you up, it's not really going to end prettily. Also, where was your bike while you were in his car? Get your priorities right dude. I don't really like people who get overly angry when someone does them an injustice - gives us a bad name.
However, what he actually DID - honking you while you were waiting to turn right - I've been getting a lot of that recently, fucks me right off. Especially when the car/van/bus behind me is also turning right, and there's traffic still crossing the opposing lane.
I don't get why they're honking - are they actually being so pathetically short sighted as to not look beyond the cyclist to see the fucking wall of traffic that would block their manoeuvre?? I just turn while on the bike and look them in the eye with a sort of "wtf??" expression, and stand my ground, until it's safe to cross.
• #57
You got the poor guy fired ,I'm guessing he turned up at work and they blamed him for the dent and he got fired.
I generally give the finger and leave it at that.
However, in the autumn there was a fucking white van driver who cut me off 4 days in a row at the same point (we seemed to have identical schedules) on my route to work, with him ending by giving me the finger and yelling wanker. Well the 5th day in a row I saw him coming and punched the side of his van - dented van and I've never seen him again. That's about as violent as I've been - even the person who caused me to break my hand, I was relatively subdued.
• #58
today i almost got angry, as 2 idiots refused to understand that when I indicate right, I'm going to have to pull into the middle of the road to turn right.
both got a stern 'fuck off' as I wasn't in a good mood. -
• #59
I have been thinking about the whole getting in his car thing... i think you would have made a much bigger impact by jumping in, changing his radio station to heart FM and resting a hand on his knee smiling contently, staring straight ahead.
I have lost the angry streak (Previas aside) i find the next few miles i am all out of sync and, as has been said a few times on this board, it angers drivers and makes more Standard reading opinionated cycle haters. bad times.
Try this:
Last Thursday I had a vest wearing, Benson chuffing, snarling heffer of a lady; racing back from giro collection to hit into the Argos sales, overtake a bus and head straight at me, her sweaty jowls swinging with pure hatred, using language new to these ears (ok now i am talking pish) calling me a cunt (sic) for being on my side of the road!!??
Remedy.... Chicken .... cutting past close enough to have her see me blow a big sensual kiss.who felt guilty then?
Fucking Zen like!
• #60
Heroic version of what I have done:
Going down labroke grove... car pull out in front of me...and I smash its fxxking front window and said to him what the fuck you think you doing....
the truth:
Going down labroke grove... car pull out infront of me... didn't
have time to stop... head butted the front passenger side window... got knocked out... woke up and said what the fxxk happen... then walk to A&E at hammersmith hospital with a broken bike...:( -
• #61
and I got a question... if the person was not an elderly gent, but some big fxxker... would you have done the same???
• #62
I hate the fcucking school run, lazy fekkers!!
• #63
i think you would have made a much bigger impact by jumping in, changing his radio station to heart FM and resting a hand on his knee smiling contently, staring straight ahead.
Never a truer word said than in jest.
• #64
He won't kick your head in. But he will open your front door, sit down next to you in the living room, and say something loudly and with feeling, very close to your face.)
Jesus, that's what my girlfriend does
Best post on this thread... Hahahahahah!
• #65
and I got a question... if the person was not an elderly gent, but some big fxxker... would you have done the same???
What if he didn't know? just jumped staight in out of rage. It could have been an elderly lady. they get to that age where they all look the same...
• #66
To answer the original question:
Yep, good work - that's why I was annoyed with myself when I did spit at that dude. He was in the wrong, but there's no excuse for shit like that!
And BRM made me laugh - Soften The Fuck Up... Not bad, mon ginge amis