• #1227
The whole thing was amazing - I was gripped from start to finish (ok, I admit, I did load the dishwasher when some of the teams were coming out).
Feel so proud of what we can achieve, especially when there have been so many detractors.
• #1228
I wanted to continue my cynicism about these games so so much, but goddamit, that was AMAZING. Im well into it now,road race tomorrow
• #1229
Yes, that was a great touch. I saw the dress rehearsal and to really get the whole thing you dd need to see the 1st 1/2 hour of the rural part. They even had ramblers and maps .
I loved the end with pink floyd and then even the Mcartney bit with " the end", but perhaps he should have stopped there.
• #1230
also, this was by far the best bit of the opening ceremony. Check Boris and Camilla pissing themselves in the background
• #1231
At the beginning. PETA were up in arms about the stress the sheep would be under and there had to be assurances they'd be taken away to somewhere quieter.
And "somewhere quieter" wasn't allowed to be a slaughterhouse.
• #1232
Godwined in 11 posts
• #1233
The cauldron was beautiful, really lovely design.
^ this completely.
I liked that there was a NHS bigup and thought choosing kids literature was nice too.
Oh yeah and we invented the internet so 'ave that.
• #1234
what sheep?
bbc news is now rambling on about the ceremony, calling it "breaking news"
• #1235
Did you see Peter Carter on the side of the house!
The Camerons and Wales's looked bored when the team came onto Heroes!
Loved Dark Side of the Moon at the end...
• #1236
breaking mews
• #1237
and the Olympic Critical Mass
and what did they expect ?
That was all rather self indulgent, but then so is CM.
• #1238
He is responsible for the fantastic folding bridge in Paddington Basin.
• #1239
Thank you!
I was at the dress rehearsal too and was a bit grumpy about the whole thing but seeing it all put together properly made me release how lucky I was! Ah we all love to be pessimists.
• #1240
I think we invented WWW but the Yanks got the Internet.
Anyway I enjoyed what I saw, up to the music from certain era's. The atmosphere is pretty nice around Hackney and on the Tube. Everyone is happy!
• #1241
Oh and as a huge boxing fan, it was sad to see Muahammad Ali like that/
• #1242
Surprised at how good I thought it all was, except for the GB outfits and Mccartney, Jeez there would have been so many more appropriate Beatles songs to perform. Hey Jude was such an indulgent choice. Rest was surprisingly great.
• #1243
It almost seemed designed to wind up Tories and the Daily Heil. The celebration of the NHS, womens' suffrage, unions, CND logo, Shami Chakrabarti and Doreen Lawrence as flag dignitaries. It'll have had a lot of people spitting out their fucking cocoa.
My favourite comment on Twitter:
@Soshalconshense: Danny Boyle has spent twenty million quid of our money telling David Cameron he's a cunt #moneywellspent
• #1244
Coo coo
• #1245
There's something about Paul Mccartney that makes my skin crawl.
Too fucking right, he's no Elkie Brooks, the useless cunt.
• #1246
Plenty of the forum have heard me sing. I shit on Paul McCartney.
I can verify this, I once, from afar, watched BlueQuinn sing for over an hour, I was naked and rendered stiff by the cruel cold and driving rain, even the stabbing thorns of the bramble I was hiding in couldn't drag me away from his ghostly entrancing birdsong.
• #1247
Welcome back.
• #1248
Damn straight. NHS was a fabulous fuck-you to HMG. Lovely reminder that at times there's a bit of power to the people.
The NHS is rubbish.
• #1249
Well he pays tax hence we trot him out and not jimmy carr
If we want to really represent Britain then we should have a parade, a proud parade, of our best, most successful tax evaders.
• #1250
It changed in East Germany, it might be about to change in Syria. We could take back our country if enough of us wanted to.
I don't want it.
The cauldron was beautiful, really lovely design.