• #13402
I have recently actually seen a rise in art school folk using horse riding helmets while cycling
• #13403
I bet kenan is wicked jelly of kel's new look
• #13404
Some horse riding helmets have a rapha esque white stripe down the middles
• #13405
found my new look, sexy.
• #13406
Poor guy looks gutted. I bet he's just totally normal, and his mate's some dickhead photographer who put him up to it.
• #13407
Cannot be beat.
• #13408
Biggie and Tupac are not what "white people like"? Jokes.
Well not middle class white people/hipster types. For them its only NWA, Public Enemy and a few select "ironic" people who are acceptable.
• #13409
When I was wee, we would grab any crap we'd find in the wardrobes and dress plain stupid like ^^^^^^^^^^^^ for shits and giggles.
• #13410
^^^ That guy is doing it wrong with the clutch.
• #13411
Well not middle class white people/hipster types. For them its only NWA, Public Enemy and a few select "ironic" people who are acceptable.
Because they're good. I'm not going to listen to something chauvenistic, greed worshipping, violence excusing, fur and luis vitton wearing, cock swinging and musically poor even if I was black or red or fucking gypsy brown with a purple stripe...
• #13412
Mate, you're still black...
• #13413
• #13414
Oh wow. I love the way this image develops as you scroll down.And is in sharp contrast to the blurred figure behind.
I'm in awe.
• #13415
I bet the chewing gum stuck to his left foot really pissed him off. Ruins an otherwise dignified look...
• #13416
What. The. Fuck. Is. Wrong. With you, people?
• #13417
Robisz sarkazmu w Polsce
• #13418
It wasn't directed at you, M.
• #13419
Ah, gotcha. Still, gave me the chance to make my first ever post in Polish...
• #13420
jak sie masz
• #13421
Mate, you're still black...
Racial based pre definitions....Hmmm maybe he'd be better with Ball Game jeans around his arse crack seeing as he can *never really *be one of those nauseating types.
• #13422
we knew you'd say that
• #13423
Must be tough carrying that massive brain of yours about.
Don't have any issue with EEI as he is one of the brightest individuals around here but there are those that will hold that thought.
• #13424
we knew you'd say that
Who did? You and Kris?
• #13425
jak sie masz
Not too bad, Will, but you've found my level!