• #5027
I should be along at about 7:30 tonight...just for a quick one.
• #5028
Can't be there sadly, got uni work to do! (the missus got uni stuff too) that's due on Tuesday, feck! was so looking forward for a proper warm night at the C&H.
clefty, I'll bring the moustache handlebar and nitto 70mm stem (really long) next week, that's alright?
• #5029
got uni work to do! (as well as the missus)
• #5030
Ah Souths the best thing about mondays!
• #5031
Oh and i'll be rocking up between 6 and 7.
• #5032
what time are people getting there?
• #5033
anyone there earlier than 6?
• #5034
Anyone seen the weather forecast- meant to piss it down all evening tonight...
• #5035
• #5036
Anyone over SW way- is it raining there yet?
• #5037
Nah it won';t rain, only tomorrow thought, heavy tropical style one FTW.
• #5038
Nah it won';t rain, only tomorrow thought, heavy tropical style one FTW.
wicked, on my first day of commuting and everything.
• #5039
Sky is turning dark grey over Herne Hill at the moment (close enought to the C+H). Not raining yet, but wouldn't be suprised if there was a shower before dark.
• #5040
Well I've shoved the water proof jacket in my bag.
Hey ho, got to love England.
• #5041
its a bit grey here in CW but doesnt look like rain is looming.
BBC Weather dice say warm and cloudy for the evening, epic rain early morning.
Just finished making the cracknel - hopefully it will be set in half an hour or so
• #5042
Okay, I've been away far too long - I think I might come down for a quick one as this evening. Probably be there earlier than 7, though.
• #5043
Well I've shoved the water proof jacket in my bag.
Hey ho, got to love England.
fuck waterproof jacket, weae tees and short and enjoy your early shower!
• #5044
I'll not be attending tonight, unfortunately. Minor domestic crisis. :-(
It's just started raining here, I'm in Beckenham, as well.
• #5045
Nice to see you all again, and thanks for the cracknell, Clefty.
• #5046
Cheers Vello and coppiThat for the ride back.
nice to see a good contingent of forumers out tonight.
• #5047
Saaf drinks, what a treat.
Good to see the Usual Suspects and a few new faces. Looking forward to the next soiree.
• #5048
anyone else get caught in the rain? i actually quite enjoyed it...
• #5049
Thanks for helping my old mate Steve out Bernie, the patch didn't take but that's rock 'n' roll, innit? Nice mellow one tonight, you all rule... :]
• #5050
That rain started just as we(me, miss_socks and PJ) got to brick lane. What a shiter! Good night as allways. Good to see the old crew as it were and look forward to seeing them all again in the future. Happy souths everyone and see you all again soon.
Save me a tarck card Joe!
We'll have a drink for you all tonight (well a bottle of cheap rum, preceded by a bottle of gin, if things carry on as usual)...