• #2377
Mud wrestling tonight at The Coach & Horses!
• #2378
No need for wrestling. Amazing the things that can be achieved when you practice QiKung...
• #2379
Mud wrestling tonight at The Coach & Horses!
take control of you're missus man!! -
• #2380
i'll bring my gimp suit.
• #2381
take control of you're missus man!!
My missus is perfectly capable of controlling herself (and me, and you AND THE WHOLE UNIVERSE MWAHAHAHA!)
Qigung mind trick.
• #2382
take control of you're missus man!!
I'll show you how to take control.
• #2383
I'll show you how to take control.
no thanks, i've seen jaygee's scars!! :O -
• #2384
I wish I was coming to this, but I am on a short leash after the weekend.
One day...
• #2385
no thanks, i've seen jaygee's scars!! :O
Dude! I told you that was private. Not in front of the children.
• #2386
I wish I was coming to this, but I am on a short leash after the weekend.
One day...
Stretch that leash. We can talk about fungus and stuff.
• #2387
I'm there! Not now of course, but later. Maybe the double meat sweats for me, went to the dentcyst this morning so not allowed to eat til 8pm, that's tough for a man of my stature.
• #2388
@ Joey, can't make it tonight with the phone extras dude...one, because I can't find them (they are in the house somewhere) and two, i'm broke after a very expensive weekend feeding/watering two younger student brothers..... bahhh
• #2389
17.24, I can almost smell the burgers...
• #2390
sorry, I'll light a match next time.....
• #2391
right i'm outta here. see you homos in a bit.
• #2392
found entertainment in richmond park catching triathletes, its f-ing cold out there, time for a quick shower and change and i''ll see you punks in a bit!
• #2393
Might come down with my mate and introduce ourselves. Is it still at the coach & horses? My mate is looking for a track frame and I thought you guys might be able to point him in the right direction.
• #2394
not tonight for me.
see you all next week
• #2395
not tonight for me.
see you all next week
enjoy your online cricket! -
• #2396
that's an idea!
nah, work issues dragging me down. also don't feel like drinking.
• #2397
i was sooo up for this especially as my misuss is abroad with work for the whole week... but I did a few laps of richmond park on sat and my knee flared up again, same problem as at the cambersands ride. rode in to work this morning very weakly which was a mistake.
so i'm off home for a date with an ice pack via the pleasure that is south west trains...
• #2398
good to see the peeps tonight… weeehooheeehoooo
• #2399
Was good to meet you Mr. Wayne, (even if it was the second time), will make it down to Wests for those shoes, would br good to try before I buy.
• #2400
Mr. Hoops, you are a legend for sorting out another saddle dangler, will post in the appropriate thread too.
I can tell you're scared. mmmm I wonder why?