• #10752
Have fun without me, friend (not someone from here) is bringing me food, drink and company.
Most pizza delivery people are not on here
• #10753
• #10754
Just so you all know its 11pm im just in bed and i have a plate full of pork thats been in the slow cooker for 13 hours. fuck ya'll. nice night.
- may be a bit tipsy
- may be a bit tipsy
• #10755
You eat pork in bed?
• #10756
• #10757
You eat pork in bed?
you don't?
• #10758
plate full of pork
you don't?
no homo
• #10759
Have fun without me, friend (not someone from here) is bringing me food, drink and company.
no homo
• #10760
Sometimes I think 'Howabout easts tonight'
then I read the thread and stay in.
• #10761
(It makes me horny and I decide on alone time instead)
• #10762
maybe it's a good thing you didn't see how many sausages were eaten tonight then
• #10763
...so many sausages...
• #10764
(It makes me horny and I decide on alone time instead)
WhatOK, no it's notOK.
Mysterious glove disappearance solved. I had "sensibly" moved gloves to another pocket.
Everything is fine.As you were...
• #10765
Good to see all you guys and gals tonight! Been far too long,
and a few new faces as well (oliver/rogan/1000a/pops etc etc)Eamesy did we cross paths?
• #10766
I had a dream that I was at the nunpunchers' house talking to spotter, and every time he said something to me I responded with a perfectly apt sick burn. I woke up laughing but I can't remember anything I said, just that I also had letters delivered there that instead of his name (Jack Spotter) said "Jack the Cunt" which is not so witty but still quite funny imo.
• #10767
I had a dream about spotter
no homo
keeps on giving
• #10768
Next week, for one week only, it is Steffbeers.
we will be at the Royal Inn on the Park.
111 Lauriston Rd, London, E9 7JH
http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?hl=en&sugexp=les;&gs_rn=1&gs_ri=hp&tok=cD5ItZjYC3WhlDxO4go2xQ&cp=9&gs_id=h&xhr=t&safe=off&biw=1680&bih=906&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.r_qf.&bvm=bv.41642243,d.d2k&ion=1&bs=1&um=1&ie=UTF-8&q=royal+inn+on+the+park&fb=1&gl=uk&hq=royal+inn+on+the+park&cid=0,0,9180273263907880604&sa=X&ei=MSQKUae_IMmRhQfOqICoCQ&sqi=2&ved=0CKYBEPwSMAARaising a glass to this fine chap
• #10769
Oh no, I am going to miss it, I have an event to go to. Not sure i can get there later either.
SteffThese bloody people and their Wednesday events, not sure when I'll next be out to play.... Maybe March.
• #10770
3 pints, 3 bloody pints at i fell asleep at like 11.45 and woke up with a sore head.
teach me for not drinking for a month.
htfu etc.
• #10771
For the very brief time I was there, was most enjoyable. My promises to return were scuppered where I got drawn into buying rounds. A round that took too long to complete. Was too hungry after 4 pints to return to the Butchers.
Proper appearance next week I hope.
• #10772
Sometimes I think 'Howabout easts tonight'
then I read the thread and stay in.
You should have come. Even if you were horny. I'm sure it would have gone as soon as you saw us lot.
Good to see all you guys and gals tonight! Been far too long,
and a few new faces as well (oliver/rogan/1000a/pops etc etc)Man, that Oliver Shick is such a n00b.
you don't?
No, I don't. Biscuits occasionally, or coffee in the morning if it's delivered to my bed. No pork.
Those sausages were GOOD.
• #10773
There's always some noob that mis-spells my name. :)
• #10774
Biscuits, now there's an idea...
• #10775
i will swing by after visiting whitechapel shortly