• #2
you get a free pair of tight jeans
• #3
b) it crumbles like a ginger nut in a hipsters tight jeans pocket.
• #4
in other news, i found this amusing
• #5
let's get this straight, the girl holding the sign is taking the piss out of that footballer's goofy fucking teeth, and in return he makes like a junior school kid from the 70s and does the old "chinky" eyes, backatcha!
he racist, but she isn't.
weird fucking pic
• #6
weird pic and yeh i had to spend a while stroking my chin to work out what was going on. added to the fact that it appears to have been taken from an islamist website??
• #7
Who said the Japanese don't have a sense of humour :)
On topic: You can skid stop modern aerospokes, I think i am right in saying they have standard track hubs with lockrings.
However, older models you should avoid skidding:
• #8
my hipster friends skid there arrospokes
• #9
of course.
does anyone not skid their arrospok?
• #10
it would be a hipster contradiction to have an arrospoke and a brake
• #11
yeah, the whole world would implode
• #12
Have you seen how Aerospoke insert the hub into the wheel (on their site under Maintenance) .. I've never been close to one but the fitting method doesn't look like it's going to last many skid stops before it's worn and when you strip the hub out of the wheel by incorrect use the companies are under no obligation to replace it or help you ..
• #13
Thing about that is that Aerospoke are probably being kept afloat by hipsters now. If that really is their policy they should take heed and rethink it.
From their website:
*Aerospoke: * We then attach the Velocity(TM) rim to the wheel using a combination of mechanical fasteners and a special chemical adhesive. We do not use a partial rim, or merely attach a flimsy aluminum braking surface. We utilize a full-blown bicycle rim and incorporate it into our wheel. This provides for a very strong and reliable wheel. See the cross-sections below.
I did not know that an aerospoke is built around a velocity aerohead. Full blown bicycle rim?! no wonder they're so heavy!!!
• #14
Oswald Have you seen how Aerospoke insert the hub into the wheel (on their site under Maintenance) .. I've never been close to one but the fitting method doesn't look like it's going to last many skid stops before it's worn and when you strip the hub out of the wheel by incorrect use the companies are under no obligation to replace it or help you ..
THIS is precisely what I'm worried about...
Has anyone experienced problems?
• #15
ihatelaw weird pic and yeh i had to spend a while stroking my chin to work out what was going on. added to the fact that it appears to have been taken from an islamist website??
Islamist ('Islamic'?) website ? I can't see anything on that image to suggest it is religious ?
The mystery deepens ! ? :)
• #16
Top left hand corner, arabic writing? Bit of generalization maybe.
• #17
i hate the word islamist so so so so so much its worse then fixie, or even fixy by far.
• #18
most areospokes are on the front, or should be, so i wouldnt worry about those "hipsters" anyway.
• #19
asm Top left hand corner, arabic writing? Bit of generalization maybe.
Arabic writing = Arabic writing.
Arabic writing does not mean that the broadcaster/publisher is in any way Muslim.
We may as well say that a still taken from the News at Ten appears to be taken from an Anglican broadcaster because of its use of English in the logo/captioning.
• #20
chris crash i hate the word islamist so so so so so much its worse then fixie, or even fixy by far.
'Islamist' is not so bad, although a little arcane.
'Islamist', 'Islamic', 'Muslim' or my own invention 'Muslamic :)' - it is all, at its very best, a tight hole for the superstitious and hard of thinking to park their heads in and console their lives with mythology, misogyny and misanthropy.
God (!) bless the repeal of the Blasphemy laws on Wednesday of this week !! :) and the 'New' section 29J of the religious hatred act !! :)
• #21
Islamist is wrong, the proper term for a worshper of Allah is Muslim, and the religion is Islam.
it strikes very close to ni**r for me, which of course is a mispronunciation of the Spanish Negro for black.
not only does it have the same etymology, but it has the same real meaning, it is racist and only exists to stir up hatred.
• #22
chris crash Islamist is wrong, the proper term for a worshper of Allah is Muslim, and the religion is Islam.
Islamist is perfectly acceptable when used to describe things such as political Islam.
So in that respect it cannot be 'wrong' as such - without qualification as to how it is wrong.
chris crash it strikes very close to ni**r for me
'Islamist' is the same (pejoratively speaking) as 'Nigger' ?
You have lost me there ?
chris crash not only does it have the same etymology, but it has the same real meaning, it is racist and only exists to stir up hatred.
Ok now I am really lost !, how do 'Nigger' and 'Islamist' share an etymology ?
How is 'Islamist' a racist term ?
Is Islam now a 'race' (if such a thing exists) and not a superstition/religion ? When did that happen !
Right I am going to stir some real hatred up . . . 'You bunch of Anglicans !' ;P
• #23
well not exactly racist, but i dont know if there is an antisemitic for Muslims... and it is used to paint most Arabs, and when used so would be racist.
the etymology is explained in my previous post, it is a deliberate mispronunciation of the correct term used to subjugate in an oppressed group.
• #24
chris crash well not exactly racist, but i dont know if there is an antisemitic for Muslims...
Of course not !
There can be no 'antisemitic' sic for (towards) Muslims as they are not Jews ! I do understand the point you are making here, I am just getting technical on yo' ass ! ;P
chris crash and it is used to paint most Arabs, and when used so would be racist.
This may be so, I do not know the word you mean (not to say there is not a word which encapsulates anti-Muslim feeling) - but it is certainly not 'Islamist'.
And if this word has common currency - by definition - it does not 'paint most Arabs' - if it did it would be a misuse.
Arabs are Arabs, Muslims are Muslims, a Portuguese born Wahhabist is not an Arab in the same way that a Sudanese Anglican is not English.
chris crash the etymology is explained in my previous post, it is a deliberate mispronunciation of the correct term used to subjugate in an oppressed group.
Do you have anything I can have a look at that backs up this idea, sounds interesting and certainly an idea I have not come across before.
• #25
1, i was trying to find a term that encompasses anti-Muslim sentiment, i dont know of one either.
2 i understand the difference between Arab and Muslim, there are a lot of people who do not make this distinction, ever met a US marine? The term islamist is clearly used by those in power, espicaly in the USA to paint all Arabs, and simalr brown people as an enemy to freedom and the white American way of life
3 "nier Look up nier at Dictionary.com
1786, earlier neger (1568, Scot. and northern England dialect), from Fr. nègre, from Sp. negro (see Negro). From the earliest usage it was "the term that carries with it all the obloquy and contempt and rejection which whites have inflicted on blacks" [cited in Gowers, 1965]. But as black inferiority was at one time a near universal assumption in Eng.-speaking lands, the word in some cases could be used without insult. More sympathetic writers late 18c. and early 19c. seem to have used black (n.) and, after the American Civil War, colored person. Also applied by Eng. settlers to dark-skinned native peoples in India, Australia, Polynesia. The reclamation of the word as a neutral or positive term in black culture, often with a suggestion of "soul" or "style," is attested first in the Amer. South, later (1968) in the Northern, urban-based Black Power movement. Variant niggah, attested from 1925 (without the -h, from 1969), is found usually in situations where blacks use the word. Nigra (1944), on the other hand, reflects a pronunciation in certain circles of Negro, but meant to suggest nigger, and is thus deemed (according to a 1960 slang dictionary) "even more derog. than 'nigger.' " Slang phrase nigger in the woodpile attested by 1800; "A mode of accounting for the disappearance of fuel; an unsolved mystery" [R.H. Thornton, "American Glossary," 1912]. Nigger heaven, "the top gallery in a (segregated) theater" first attested 1878 in ref. to Troy, N.Y. " 'You're a fool nigger, and the worst day's work Pa ever did was to buy you,' said Scarlett slowly. ... There, she thought, I've said 'nigger' and Mother wouldn't like that at all." [Margaret Mitchell, "Gone With the Wind," 1936] Used in combinations (e.g. nigger-brown, nigger-head, nigger-toe) since 1840s for various dark brown or black hues or objects; euphemistic substitutions (e.g. Zulu) began to appear in these senses c.1917." -from http://www.etymonline.com/index.php?l=n&p=4
i agree with Gowers quote, and think this can be shown when you compare the usage of the word and its evolution with th evolution of the oppression of black and brown people. From once being openly spoken about, to now brushed under the carpet to the un-trendy areas of and ghettos of most cites.
I think that the usage of the word islamist, and the time of its creation show how it is meant to be used "it is not a war against Islam, it is a war against the Islamist" to most people that means the guy who cooks different food, prays at a a different church, and has different colour skin. especially the the mobs that attacked Arabs (not Muslims) after 9/11.
And if you do skid stop with an aerospoke, what happens?