• #52
I constantly get peds stopping for me when approaching a zebra crossing, even if they are half way across! I have to remind them it's their right of way!
• #53
I shout at them these days as I'm approaching - it's worth it just to see the panic in their eyes. I figure that as I always stop at red lights, I'm entitled to hurtle through the green ones. The shouting's a bonus for pedestrians.
I had to shout at another cyclist this morning though, who was jumping a red into my path as I was approaching The Strand from Trafalgar Square. He didn't even appear to be aware that there was a road to his right.
• #54
photoben I constantly get peds stopping for me when approaching a zebra crossing, even if they are half way across! I have to remind them it's their right of way!
they are idiots, and should be removed from the gene pool.
• #55
"Meat pylons"
that's nasty, hope everythings alright. i hada similar thing happening where a guy walks out in front of me without checking the lights ( i had green), knocked me off onto 7 sisters rd, luckily no cars behind me. sprained hand and fucked front wheel, still waiting for a new one and for my hand to heal... pedestrians...