• #25976
• #25977
ok so it's not a beauty, but anti- ?
• #25978
valve caps make it anti
• #25979
And the inverted bartape
• #25980
(seen on dezeen)
ALEJANDRO VALVERDE! unbelieveable..
• #25981
What amazes me is the audience on Dezeen. That thing has over 200 likes.
However, having worked for Architects I can slightly understand the collective stupidity.
Comments are getting interesting.
• #25982
• #25983
• #25984
MAMIL bikes don't have flat BMX pedals
• #25985
If you say so... -
• #25988
Oh, that's back is it?
• #25989
Looks like the rear forks turn now too, not sure if it did that before.
• #25990
Might be interesting if they were connected.
• #25991
I've often cycled down the road and thought 'I wish I could do this in a more crab-like fashion'
• #25992
Nice set up...
• #25993
^ That Roberts has taken a beating...
Design student bullshit turning up on my facebook again:
https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/169193_10152130885355144_2146396272_o.jpg -
• #25994
I've often cycled down the road and thought 'I wish I could do this in a more crab-like fashion'
Post of the day. clap
• #25995
I've often cycled down the road and thought 'I wish I could do this in a more crab-like fashion'
• #25996
best mc inspired bike I've seen. -
• #25997
^ i´d ride that with pride ^
• #25998
^ i´d ride that in a pride parade^
• #25999
I'd ride that down a big mountain wearing a gimp suit. Mainly because that's what it's designed for.
• #26000
I'd ride that down a big mountain wearing a gimp suit. Mainly because that's what it's designed for.
Sure you don't mistake it for a gravity bike?