• #12902
what if you made a normal caff of hot coffee and let it cool overnite?
wtf am i missing with this coldbrew jiggery pokery?
• #12903
Heat can bring out the bitter elements of coffee (if not done well). Cold brewing doesn't have this so gives a cleaner, more delicate cup.
Also, n+1 for buying even move brewing paraphernalia...
• #12904
Try a cold brew vs an iced coffee. Iced coffee will be much more bitter.
• #12905
Just to throw another option into the works, I do a 225 or 250g bag of coffee in a 4 pint milk bottle which is around 1:8. Works great just be aware that it can be seriously strong without you realising because it's not bitter. Have caught myself out a couple of times on an empty stomach.
• #12906
Can definitely attest to your last point. Drank a litre over the course of a few hours then jumped on the bike, thought I was going to pass out after about 5 minutes.
• #12907
Just to throw another option into the works, I do a 225 or 250g bag of coffee in a 4 pint milk bottle which is around 1:8. Works great just be aware that it can be seriously strong without you realising because it's not bitter. Have caught myself out a couple of times on an empty stomach.
Note to @HatBeard if you've not had the pleasure of finding out what bears get up to in the woods, an upset stomach and running aint funny
• #12908
Thanks all I'm going to start off around 64g*/l as that'll match my v60 ratio. Can tinker from there.
'* Hand grinding this will be fun.
• #12909
Note to @HatBeard if you've not had the pleasure of finding out what bears get up to in the woods, an upset stomach and running aint funny
luckily there's portaloos on the camp site at start/end of the 10km loop so never further than 6 miles from a shitter and at the halfway point there's a park visitors centre which will be open for first 5 and last 3 hours of the race. (but i'll have a wad of tp in my running vest too just in case).
• #12910
I should be on commission with the amount of times I've linked to this here:
• #12911
ordered this one in the end as looks nice for continued use at home after the race. will probably do two batches before I go.
• #12912
Ah nice, will bookmark. 64g is manageable with t20 tms to listen to.
• #12913
Tried the cold brew this morning after 12hrs at room temp then filtered via v60 paper.
Quite a nice soft taste, quite weak looking as 1:15 ratio but enough flavour present to enjoy the cup.
Will reduce ratio to below 1:10 next time to see how that affects the flavours.
Edit: pic added, note it was put sraight in fridge after filtering too.
1 Attachment
• #12914
Any recommendations for somewhere that sells decent beans by Victoria station?
Happy for it to be a coffee shop that sell their own beans.
• #12915
Where can I buy a V60 from, near Piccadilly? Searching for Coffee Shops just takes me to fucking Starcunts.
• #12916
I'm pretty sure Department of Coffee and Social Affairs sells that type of stuff....might be worth calling them to see if they have exactly what you're looking for
• #12917
Prufrock, if it's on your commute?
• #12918
Notes, also not too far away
• #12919
Sourced Market Nova seem to work with Origin Coffee. I've never been but looks like they do lots of retail stuff. Origin roast great coffee generally.
• #12920
My coffee consumption has rocketed due to @StevePeel 's Yellow Bourbon beans. Too damn moreish.
• #12921
Just out of interest, where are you thinking of moving to? I live in Brighton at the moment but house prices/cost of rent is making me reconsider...
• #12922
Has anyone got one of the Hario cold brew things? Is it much better/easier than the cold pour over method?
• #12924
I'd second Sourced Market. The King's Cross one usually have a killer selection of beans.
• #12925
What do you mean by the cold pour over method?
Mine is just what I've come to from trial and error. I do 18-20g to 35oml when doing a v60 so just used that as a starting point.