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of 47
  • CUT(1)                           User Commands                          CUT(1)
           cut - remove sections from each line of files
           cut OPTION... [FILE]...
           Print selected parts of lines from each FILE to standard output.
           With no FILE, or when FILE is -, read standard input.
           Mandatory  arguments  to  long  options are mandatory for short options
           -b, --bytes=LIST
                  select only these bytes
           -c, --characters=LIST
                  select only these characters
           -d, --delimiter=DELIM
                  use DELIM instead of TAB for field delimiter
           -f, --fields=LIST
                  select only these fields;  also print any line that contains  no
                  delimiter character, unless the -s option is specified
           -n     (ignored)
                  complement the set of selected bytes, characters or fields
           -s, --only-delimited
                  do not print lines not containing delimiters
                  use STRING as the output delimiter the default is to use the in‐
                  put delimiter
           -z, --zero-terminated
                  line delimiter is NUL, not newline
           --help display this help and exit
                  output version information and exit
           Use one, and only one of -b, -c or -f.  Each LIST is  made  up  of  one
           range,  or  many ranges separated by commas.  Selected input is written
           in the same order that it is read, and is written exactly  once.   Each
           range is one of:
           N      N'th byte, character or field, counted from 1
           N-     from N'th byte, character or field, to end of line
           N-M    from N'th to M'th (included) byte, character or field
           -M     from first to M'th (included) byte, character or field
           Written by David M. Ihnat, David MacKenzie, and Jim Meyering.
  • It basically "cuts out" sections of each line of a file(s). As you might expect you can specify different fields, delimiters etc.

    For example:

    cut -f1 -d: /etc/passwd

    Cuts the first field (-f1), delimites on a colon (-d:) from /etc/passwd.

    You could take @Five-Hats awk and use cut to get a single range if you wanted:

    echo -n "Pages: 24" | awk '/Pages:/ { printf("A1-%d A%d-%d", $2/2-1, $2/2, $2) }' | cut -d ' ' -f1 

    Would return A1-11.

  • And similarly, the use of awk just to get the second field in

    pdfinfo in.pdf | grep Pages | awk '{print $2}'

    is slightly inelegant (although I also do it all the time) when cut is made for the purpose:

    pdfinfo in.pdf | grep Pages | cut -f2 -d':'

    One of the reasons I do use awk for this despite feeling vaguely guilty is that it chomps whitespace for you, which is nice.

  • I have some software (sabnzbd+) that crashes occasionally. What's the best way of seeing if it's running and restarting the service if it isn't.

    The service I currently have is

    ExecStart=/usr/bin/python /usr/bin/sabnzbdplus --config-file /usr/share/sabnzbdplus/sabnzbdplus.ini --logging 1 --daemon --browser 1

    which I thought was meant to restart it but it doesn't seem to.

  • Have you tried


    Alternatively, you could use monit instead of relying on sytstemd

  • Have you tried journalctl for output?

    I usually use "journal -xe" - reasons are lost in time, but it's informative enough

  • Just do a Cron job to restart it once an hour. Why bother checking if it is up?


  • Cheers, I'll try the Restart=Always first. It only crashes occasionally and when it does I may not notice for a few days.

    Just looking at journalctl though it appears my OpenVPN isn't starting. When I check my IP address it shows as if the VPN has started which is a bit weird.

  • That's actually what I do with the VPN which seems to freeze every so often but Sabnzbd+ doesn't like being restarted when there is stuff in the queue so I'm trying to avoid that

  • At some point in the past, I've installed an older version of firefox than the current release.

    For the life of me, though, I can't remember what I did, nor can I undo it, and having different versions across multiple devices is really messing up syncing everything.

    Any ideas?

  • Are you using Ubuntu?

    Did you install Firefox from a vanilla Firefox rather than the Ubuntu provided one?

    If so then you probably followed something like this:

    At the end of that there is a symlink, it means all of the existing logos will point to the new install of Firefox.

    The catch: If you have done this, when Firefox releases a new version the system Snap version of Firefox provided by your OS will update and clobber the symlink... thus when you fire up Firefox you fire up the system version rather than the one you installed... and now you're using 2 distinct Firefox profiles... the vanilla one sync'd everywhere, and this OS reverted one you accidentally started using again.

    Or: You're directly accessing the manually installed version and it isn't getting updated when the OS version one is being updated because you did it manually.

    That is... this is likely if that was the kind of approach you took when installing.

  • Did you install Firefox from a vanilla Firefox rather than the Ubuntu provided one?

    That's lost in the mists of time, unfortunately.

    the kind of approach you took when installing.

    That's a generous way of looking at the rather cavalier way that I maintain my system.

    To complicate it, I also have firefox-esr installed (because pre-Quantum). I purged that, and removed the PPA.

    I purged the firefox 60.x that I had, and reinstalled using aptitude, from the ubuntu repo.

    It defaulted to version 58.something

    I think I've fixed it now though - I did start to use the package from the firefox website, but there are so many symlinks between /opt, /etc and other places, it was getting messy.

    Then I remembered that I could download the deb package that I needed and install directly from that. Where I also discovered that If I added the security repo, it would do it automatically.

    tl;dr my repos were a bit messy, and adding the security repo fixed the problem.

  • No doubt I've broken other stuff though.

    Because linux.


    Yep. I can see adding the repo has given me 339 packages to upgrade. Hooray.

  • I've got a script for backing up my Rasperry Pi (not mine, I nicked it from somewhere, it looks very complicated).

    To run it I use

    sudo sh /home/pi/bkup_rpimage/ start -c /media/Raspi/Backup/$(date +%Y-%m-%d)_rpi_backup.img

    which works fine.

    I want to run it on a schedule though so trying to run it as a cron job.

    I did

    sudo crontab -e

    which so far as I understand is what you use for running jobs that need root and then my entry is

    0 1 1,15 * * sh /home/pi/bkup_rpimage/ start -c /media/Raspi/Backup/$(date +%Y-%m-%d)_rpi_backup.img

    which should run it twice a month.

    I can see from syslog that it has started but no backup is created. I do get an error message

    (CRON) info (No MTA installed, discarding output)

    but so far as I can tell from google this shouldn't be stopping it running.

    Any bright ideas? Cheers


    What does this script have in it?

    [Edit] Just had a quick look on github

    Try adding a logfile output for more info on what is happening

  • Shit loads of stuff

    # Utility script to backup Raspberry Pi's SD Card to a sparse image file
    # mounted as a filesystem in a file, allowing for efficient incremental
    # backups using rsync
    # The backup is taken while the system is up, so it's a good idea to stop
    # programs and services which modifies the filesystem and needed a consistant state
    # of their file. 
    # Especially applications which use databases needs to be stopped (and the database systems too).
    #  So it's a smart idea to put all these stop commands in a script and perfom it before 
    #  starting the backup. After the backup terminates normally you may restart all stopped
    #  applications or just reboot the system. 
    # 2019-04-25 Dolorosus                  
    #        fix: Proper quoting of imagename. Now blanks in the imagename should be no longer 
    #             a problem.
    # 2019-03-19 Dolorosus                  
    #        fix: Define colors only if connected to a terminal.
    #             Thus output to file is no more cluttered.
    # 2019-03-18 Dolorosus: 
    #               add: exclusion of files below /tmp,/proc,/run,/sys and 
    #                    also the swapfile /var/swap will be excluded from backup.
    #               add: Bumping the version to 1.1
    # 2019-03-17 Dolorosus: 
    #               add: -s parameter to create an image of a defined size.
    #               add: funtion cloneid to clone te UUID and the PTID from 
    #                    the SDCARD to the image. So restore is working on 
    #                    recent raspian versions.
    setup () {
        # Define some fancy colors only if connected to a terminal.
        # Thus output to file is no more cluttered
            [ -t 1 ] && {
                    RED=$(tput setaf 1)
                    GREEN=$(tput setaf 2)
                    YELLOW=$(tput setaf 3)
                    BLUE=$(tput setaf 4)
                    MAGENTA=$(tput setaf 5)
                    CYAN=$(tput setaf 6)
                    WHITE=$(tput setaf 7)
                    RESET=$(tput setaf 9)
                    BOLD=$(tput bold)
                    NOATT=$(tput sgr0)
            MYNAME=$(basename $0)
    # Echos traces with yellow text to distinguish from other output
    trace () {
        echo -e "${YELLOW}${1}${NOATT}"
    # Echos en error string in red text and exit
    error () {
        echo -e "${RED}${1}${NOATT}" >&2
        exit 1
    # Creates a sparse "${IMAGE}" clone of ${SDCARD} and attaches to ${LOOPBACK}
    do_create () {
        trace "Creating sparse "${IMAGE}", the apparent size of $SDCARD"
        dd if=/dev/zero of="${IMAGE}" bs=${BLOCKSIZE} count=0 seek=${SIZE}
        if [ -s "${IMAGE}" ]; then
            trace "Attaching "${IMAGE}" to ${LOOPBACK}"
            losetup ${LOOPBACK} "${IMAGE}"
            error "${IMAGE} was not created or has zero size"
        trace "Copying partition table from ${SDCARD} to ${LOOPBACK}"
        parted -s ${LOOPBACK} mklabel msdos
        sfdisk --dump ${SDCARD} | sfdisk --force ${LOOPBACK}
        trace "Formatting partitions"
        partx --add ${LOOPBACK}
        mkfs.vfat -I ${LOOPBACK}p1
        mkfs.ext4 ${LOOPBACK}p2
    do_cloneid () {
        # Check if do_create already attached the SD Image
        if [ $(losetup -f) = ${LOOPBACK} ]; then
            trace "Attaching ${IMAGE} to ${LOOPBACK}"
            losetup ${LOOPBACK} "${IMAGE}"
            partx --add ${LOOPBACK}
        partx --delete ${LOOPBACK}
        losetup -d ${LOOPBACK}
    clone () {
        # cloning UUID and PARTUUID
        UUID=$(blkid -s UUID -o value ${SDCARD}p2)
        PTUUID=$(blkid -s PTUUID -o value ${SDCARD})
        e2fsck -f -y ${LOOPBACK}p2
        echo y|tune2fs ${LOOPBACK}p2 -U $UUID
        printf 'p\nx\ni\n%s\nr\np\nw\n' 0x${PTUUID}|fdisk "${LOOPBACK}"
    # Mounts the ${IMAGE} to ${LOOPBACK} (if needed) and ${MOUNTDIR}
    do_mount () {
        # Check if do_create already attached the SD Image
        if [ $(losetup -f) = ${LOOPBACK} ]; then
            trace "Attaching ${IMAGE} to ${LOOPBACK}"
            losetup ${LOOPBACK} "${IMAGE}"
            partx --add ${LOOPBACK}
        trace "Mounting ${LOOPBACK}1 and ${LOOPBACK}2 to ${MOUNTDIR}"
        if [ ! -n "${opt_mountdir}" ]; then
            mkdir ${MOUNTDIR}
        mount ${LOOPBACK}p2 ${MOUNTDIR}
        mkdir -p ${MOUNTDIR}/boot
        mount ${LOOPBACK}p1 ${MOUNTDIR}/boot
    # Rsyncs content of ${SDCARD} to ${IMAGE} if properly mounted
    do_backup () {
        if mountpoint -q ${MOUNTDIR}; then
            trace "Starting rsync backup of / and /boot/ to ${MOUNTDIR}"
            if [ -n "${opt_log}" ]; then
                rsync -aEvx --del --stats --log-file ${LOG}  /boot/ ${MOUNTDIR}/boot/
                rsync -aEvx --del --stats --log-file ${LOG} --exclude={'tmp/**','proc/**','run/**','sys/**','mnt/**','var/swap','home/pi/.cache/**'} / ${MOUNTDIR}/
                rsync -aEvx --del --stats /boot/ ${MOUNTDIR}/boot/
                rsync -aEvx --del --stats --exclude={'tmp/**','proc/**','run/**','sys/**','mnt/**','var/swap','home/pi/.cache/**'} / ${MOUNTDIR}/
            trace "Skipping rsync since ${MOUNTDIR} is not a mount point"
    do_showdf () {
        echo -n "${GREEN}"
        df -m ${LOOPBACK}p1 ${LOOPBACK}p2
        echo -n "$NOATT"
    # Unmounts the ${IMAGE} from ${MOUNTDIR} and ${LOOPBACK}
    do_umount () {
        trace "Flushing to disk"
        sync; sync
        trace "Unmounting ${LOOPBACK}1 and ${LOOPBACK}2 from ${MOUNTDIR}"
        umount ${MOUNTDIR}/boot
        umount ${MOUNTDIR}
        if [ ! -n "${opt_mountdir}" ]; then
            rmdir ${MOUNTDIR}
        trace "Detaching ${IMAGE} from ${LOOPBACK}"
        partx --delete ${LOOPBACK}
        losetup -d ${LOOPBACK}
    # Compresses ${IMAGE} to ${IMAGE}.gz using a temp file during compression
    do_compress () {
        trace "Compressing ${IMAGE} to ${IMAGE}.gz"
        pv -tpreb "${IMAGE}" | gzip > "${IMAGE}.gz.tmp"
        if [ -s "${IMAGE}.gz.tmp" ]; then
            mv -f "${IMAGE}.gz.tmp" "${IMAGE}.gz"
            if [ -n "${opt_delete}" ]; then
                rm -f "${IMAGE}"
    # Tries to cleanup after Ctrl-C interrupt
    ctrl_c () {
        trace "Ctrl-C detected."
        if [ -s "${IMAGE}.gz.tmp" ]; then
            rm "${IMAGE}.gz.tmp"
        if [ -n "${opt_log}" ]; then
            trace "See rsync log in ${LOG}"
        error "SD Image backup process interrupted"
    # Prints usage information
    usage () {
        echo -e ""
        echo -e "${MYNAME} ${VERSION} by jinx"
        echo -e ""
        echo -e "Usage:"
        echo -e ""
        echo -e "    ${MYNAME} ${BOLD}start${NOATT} [-clzdf] [-L logfile] [-i sdcard] sdimage"
        echo -e "    ${MYNAME} ${BOLD}mount${NOATT} [-c] sdimage [mountdir]"
        echo -e "    ${MYNAME} ${BOLD}umount${NOATT} sdimage [mountdir]"
        echo -e "    ${MYNAME} ${BOLD}gzip${NOATT} [-df] sdimage"
        echo -e ""
        echo -e "    Commands:"
        echo -e ""
        echo -e "        ${BOLD}start${NOATT}      starts complete backup of RPi's SD Card to 'sdimage'"
        echo -e "        ${BOLD}mount${NOATT}      mounts the 'sdimage' to 'mountdir' (default: /mnt/'sdimage'/)"
        echo -e "        ${BOLD}umount${NOATT}     unmounts the 'sdimage' from 'mountdir'"
        echo -e "        ${BOLD}gzip${NOATT}       compresses the 'sdimage' to 'sdimage'.gz"
        echo -e "        ${BOLD}cloneid${NOATT}    clones the UUID/PTUUID from the actual disk to the image"
        echo -e "        ${BOLD}shodf${NOATT}      shows allocation of the image"
        echo -e ""
        echo -e "    Options:"
        echo -e ""
        echo -e "        ${BOLD}-c${NOATT}         creates the SD Image if it does not exist"
        echo -e "        ${BOLD}-l${NOATT}         writes rsync log to 'sdimage'-YYYYmmddHHMMSS.log"
        echo -e "        ${BOLD}-z${NOATT}         compresses the SD Image (after backup) to 'sdimage'.gz"
        echo -e "        ${BOLD}-d${NOATT}         deletes the SD Image after successful compression"
        echo -e "        ${BOLD}-f${NOATT}         forces overwrite of 'sdimage'.gz if it exists"
        echo -e "        ${BOLD}-L logfile${NOATT} writes rsync log to 'logfile'"
        echo -e "        ${BOLD}-i sdcard${NOATT}  specifies the SD Card location (default: $SDCARD)"
        echo -e "        ${BOLD}-s Mb${NOATT}      specifies the size of image in MB (default: Size of $SDCARD)"
        echo -e ""
        echo -e "Examples:"
        echo -e ""
        echo -e "    ${MYNAME} start -c /path/to/rpi_backup.img"
        echo -e "        starts backup to 'rpi_backup.img', creating it if it does not exist"
        echo -e ""
        echo -e "    ${MYNAME} start -c -s 8000 /path/to/rpi_backup.img"
        echo -e "        starts backup to 'rpi_backup.img', creating it" 
        echo -e "        with a size of 8000mb if it does not exist"
        echo -e ""
        echo -e "    ${MYNAME} start /path/to/\$(uname -n).img"
        echo -e "        uses the RPi's hostname as the SD Image filename"
        echo -e ""
        echo -e "    ${MYNAME} start -cz /path/to/\$(uname -n)-\$(date +%Y-%m-%d).img"
        echo -e "        uses the RPi's hostname and today's date as the SD Image filename,"
        echo -e "        creating it if it does not exist, and compressing it after backup"
        echo -e ""
        echo -e "    ${MYNAME} mount /path/to/\$(uname -n).img /mnt/rpi_image"
        echo -e "        mounts the RPi's SD Image in /mnt/rpi_image"
        echo -e ""
        echo -e "    ${MYNAME} umount /path/to/raspi-$(date +%Y-%m-%d).img"
        echo -e "        unmounts the SD Image from default mountdir (/mnt/raspi-$(date +%Y-%m-%d).img/)"
        echo -e ""
    # Read the command from command line
    case ${1} in
            exit 0
            trace "${MYNAME} ${VERSION} by jinx"
            exit 0
            error "Invalid command or option: ${1}\nSee '${MYNAME} --help' for usage";;
    shift 1
    # Make sure we have root rights
    if [ $(id -u) -ne 0 ]; then
        error "Please run as root. Try sudo."
    # Default size, can be overwritten by the -s option
    SIZE=$(blockdev --getsz $SDCARD)
    BLOCKSIZE=$(blockdev --getss $SDCARD)
    # Read the options from command line
    while getopts ":czdflL:i:s:" opt; do
        case ${opt} in
            c)  opt_create=1;;
            z)  opt_compress=1;;
            d)  opt_delete=1;;
            f)  opt_force=1;;
            l)  opt_log=1;;
            L)  opt_log=1
            i)  SDCARD=${OPTARG};;
            s)  SIZE=${OPTARG}
                BLOCKSIZE=1M ;;
            \?) error "Invalid option: -${OPTARG}\nSee '${MYNAME} --help' for usage";;
            :)  error "Option -${OPTARG} requires an argument\nSee '${MYNAME} --help' for usage";;
    shift $((OPTIND-1))
    # Read the sdimage path from command line
    if [ -z "${IMAGE}" ]; then
        error "No sdimage specified"
    # Check if sdimage exists
    if [ ${opt_command} = umount ] || [ ${opt_command} = gzip ]; then
        if [ ! -f "${IMAGE}" ]; then
            error "${IMAGE} does not exist"
        if [ ! -f "${IMAGE}" ] && [ ! -n "${opt_create}" ]; then
            error "${IMAGE} does not exist\nUse -c to allow creation"
    # Check if we should compress and sdimage.gz exists
    if [ -n "${opt_compress}" ] || [ ${opt_command} = gzip ]; then
        if [ -s "${IMAGE}".gz ] && [ ! -n "${opt_force}" ]; then
            error "${IMAGE}.gz already exists\nUse -f to force overwriting"
    # Define default rsync logfile if not defined
    if [ -z ${LOG} ]; then
        LOG="${IMAGE}-$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S).log"
    # Identify which loopback device to use
    LOOPBACK=$(losetup -j "${IMAGE}" | grep -o ^[^:]*)
    if [ ${opt_command} = umount ]; then
        if [ -z ${LOOPBACK} ]; then
            error "No /dev/loop<X> attached to ${IMAGE}"
    elif [ ! -z ${LOOPBACK} ]; then
        error "${IMAGE} already attached to ${LOOPBACK} mounted on $(grep ${LOOPBACK}p2 /etc/mtab | cut -d ' ' -f 2)/"
        LOOPBACK=$(losetup -f)
    # Read the optional mountdir from command line
    if [ -z ${MOUNTDIR} ]; then
        MOUNTDIR=/mnt/$(basename "${IMAGE}")/
        if [ ! -d ${MOUNTDIR} ]; then
            error "Mount point ${MOUNTDIR} does not exist"
    # Check if default mount point exists
    if [ ${opt_command} = umount ]; then
        if [ ! -d ${MOUNTDIR} ]; then
            error "Default mount point ${MOUNTDIR} does not exist"
        if [ ! -n "${opt_mountdir}" ] && [ -d ${MOUNTDIR} ]; then
            error "Default mount point ${MOUNTDIR} already exists"
    # Trap keyboard interrupt (ctrl-c)
    [#trap]( ctrl_c SIGINT SIGTERM
    trap ctrl_c INT TERM
    # Check for dependencies
    for c in dd losetup parted sfdisk partx mkfs.vfat mkfs.ext4 mountpoint rsync; do
        command -v ${c} >/dev/null 2>&1 || error "Required program ${c} is not installed"
    if [ -n "${opt_compress}" ] || [ ${opt_command} = gzip ]; then
        for c in pv gzip; do
            command -v ${c} >/dev/null 2>&1 || error "Required program ${c} is not installed"
    # Do the requested functionality
    case ${opt_command} in
                trace "Starting SD Image backup process"
                if [ ! -f "${IMAGE}" ] && [ -n "${opt_create}" ]; then
                if [ -n "${opt_compress}" ]; then
                trace "SD Image backup process completed."
                if [ -n "${opt_log}" ]; then
                    trace "See rsync log in ${LOG}"
                if [ ! -f "${IMAGE}" ] && [ -n "${opt_create}" ]; then
                trace "SD Image has been mounted and can be accessed at:\n    ${MOUNTDIR}"
                error "Unknown command: ${opt_command}"
    exit 0
  • tl;dr

    Definitely add -L /some/log/

    It could be dying anywhere - the MTA message just tells you that you don;t have a mail client installed, as cron is trying to send you a message to say that the job has failed

  • I do get an error message

    (CRON) info (No MTA installed, discarding output)

    but so far as I can tell from google this shouldn't be stopping it running.

    That's CRON saying that it can't find anything to use to mail you the stdout/stderr that the script is producing.

    So you might be getting some errors but they'll never be reported anywhere.

    Changing the script being run to do something like:-

    sh /home/pi/bkup_rpimage/ start -c /media/Raspi/Backup/$(date +%Y-%m-%d)_rpi_backup.img > /tmp/backup.log.$(date +%s) 2>&1

    would mean the output gets redirected to a /tmp/backup.log.<UTC date> file which you can look at yourself.

  • Try adding a logfile output for more info on what is happening

    Cheers, thinking about it this is probably my fundamental question. What's the best way of seeing what is happening? Is cron output logged somewhere or can I set it up to do this somehow, should I add a logfile to the cron command (just "> logfile" at the end I assume) or somewhere in the actual script (probably a bit beyond me)?

    EDIT: cheers @Greenbank I'll give that a try and see what comes out.

  • There's an option in the script for creating a logfile (see lines 310 / 311) - just add "-L /somepath/somefilename" to your command

    (There might even be a default rsync log somewhere in /var/log I suppose)

    If you run the script manually (i.e. no from cron) you could also do what greenbank suggests


    And I hate to be that guy, but:


    -l writes rsync log to 'sdimage'-YYYYmmddHHMMSS.log
    -L logfile writes rsync log to 'logfile'
  • I find unison is far more forgiving than rsync though

  • The only problem with a logfile option like that is that it won't log out problems with the script itself, those will only go to stdout/stderr and if cron can't find an MTA to send them on via email they're just being lost as they don't get logged anywhere else.

  • You can log all the output from a script by sticking something like

    exec >/tmp/scriptlog 2>&1

    at the top.

    This doesn't rely on having an MTA installed.

    In general it'd be better to have an MTA for cron to use, even if it's a minimal one with local-only delivery, like this.

  • Yes, that's why I suggested doing something exactly like that 6 posts up.

  • Oh yeah, doing it in the crontab entry works too.
    I think I stopped reading after the line wrap.

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