• #152
but you know they'll nick anything!
ANY bike needs a dlock
• #153
lucky Plenty of strange people on bikes out there
This is my fave
Get that mofo some sun! Jeez.. my eyes! The reflection from the legs burns my eyes!
• #154
maybe he's an albino?
so there.
• #155
Looks pretty normal to these Celtic eyes.
• #156
I think I may have seen him heading down towards earls court, if it's him he pulled the longest endo to a set of traffic lights on a mountain bike I've ever seen and then for good measure did it again at another set of lights further on. Personally I thought it seemed a bit excessive for the commute home, but hey ho
• #157
is it true that in NYC you get couriers who dress/ride that way?
• #159
[cite] MrSmith:
you missed out the bit when he asked you to a lemon party and if you like gladiator movies.
Lucky he didn't ask me to a "lemon party" cos, not knowing what that is, I might have said yes. Something tells me that I don't want to Google for it.
• #160
^^^^ I did, wish i hadn't…
• #161
Mr Smith spent a long time talking about such thing at the weekend ride in Surrey.
Me thinks he knows too much already!
• #162
it's a passing fad, i'm momentarily intrigued as to how these things get their names but repulsed by the imagery. it's like if you didn't know what 'goatse', '2girls 1cup' or 'dirty sanchez' meant you would be compelled to find out even if it meant you would be confronted by a nebulous horror.
so if you don't know what the above mean then don't google for them with safe search off...
no don't. i really mean it..
it will make you feel ill trust me..
i told you but you wouldn't listen.
• #163
hay have you guys been on pen island dot com????
er, type it into the address bar then re-read it before pressing enter :)
• #164
wow, schoolboy humour, genious.
I mean it seriously- I miss the days of the 'Pen15' Club.
Ha! -
• #165
chris crash [quote]vic The best thing ever said to me on a bike is now 'Have you got a delivery?' by the armed police at my work this morning. It was a joy to explain that I was in fact a civil servant and not a messenger. I am happy - I have my validation, hahaha.
So thanks to my bitches for building my fashion wheels up fully yesterday! My bike is now being taken seriously, without its diddy circus wheels on.
where do you work? i hated pic ups at the house of parliment, and drops at revenue and customs more then anything.
and being mistaken as courier is not validation.[/quote]
Note the :/ - would being mistaken for a realenger not be validation for a fakenger? Etc etc etc on that tedious fake/realenger label etc etc etc. Work at DH on Whitehall, where the racks are full of interminably shit bikes. Mandarins don't do fixed gear I guess, too simple!
• #166
"This is not Berlin"
"You think your on MTV"
like he needs a D-lock for that heap of shit