• #52
yeah tommy it's not in the U-bend, if it was that simple i wouldn't have to post here and use y'all's collective knowledge... i'm going to try get some thick and long wire and fish beyond the bend... dont quite want to know what i'll find in there......
• #53
Hammo [quote]TheBrick(Tommy) [quote]edmundane right, so i tried pouring 5 litres of NaOH down the drain it's not bloody working... what else can i try before calling the plumber?
Have you tried just unscrewing the u-bend under the sink / bath whatever and then fishing all of the grease and shit out with your fingers? It 's is the easies and sset way of unblocking a sink. Just put the crap the comes out in the bin and not back down the sink.
This was a fun for me to spend a morning a couple of days ago, i gave it a good clean and the water runs free now. it looked like i was pulling mice out of the pipe. I did it a few years ago when living in a house share with other guys. I just didn't want to think about the amount of (man) gunk and hair there was. Still, again the water flowed nicely afterwards.[/quote]
man gunk....hehe! -
• #54
I still think you should get yourself down to B & Q and buy a gas cartridge unblocker device thingy.
• #55
thing is if it's sthg like a bloated corpse of a dead mouse i won't want to push it further down the drain it'll eventually become impossible to fish it out
• #57
Is it not more likely that it's just a general accumulation crap? Of course, you'd know better than me whether you're living in some sort of rodent-infested ghetto. :-P In my experience, it's more likely to be a built up of bits of food and tea leaves and other assorted rubbish. As soon as the gas hits the blockage, it'll break up and wash away. That's my tuppence worth...
• #58
The run to your main sack pipe should not be too long.
See if you can work out if after the u bend there are any more beds until the soil pipe. If not just try and push it all through into the stackl pipe.
If there is lotss of beds have a look and see if they have a compression style fitting (this has a big srew type thing around each joint) or glue fitted
If it is compression you can try taking it a part a bit at a time and tring to seethe blockage. If you live in a building where your main stack pipe runs outside the house you will clearly you will not beable to get all of the pipes of too inspect but still may beable to have a look at alot.
If they are glued joints you will have to cut through them and find out where it is clear and replace from there to your u bend. Really it's the job of your land lord if it gets that awkward as you will have to buy parts.
• #59
Now I know where to come for plumbing advice :)
I unblocked a sewer once. With my hands. That was nice. Three rounds of plumbers with their stupid jet nozzles hadn't managed to sort it , but I did. Victory to me.
• #60
Supersoaker 5000, fill it full of Cillit Bang, crank it up till it starts to make funny noises and drip, put end into plug hole, mask it off and make it tight.... pull the trigger.
Job will be done.
I seem to have got trapped inside a quote!