• #27
• #28
I have the same problem BMMF.
Moved from W to N1 and work in EC1. So the time for getting changed
is the same as the time riding. I still do it.
Public transport is not an option becsue I have to make up for all the bike parts
bought with not bought travel cards...:) -
• #29
Was on PT for a bit after recent theft. Felt homicidal.
My commute is 11.5 miles each way, and I've thought in the past that even if I ever got a job in the centre of town (5 miles e/w) I'd have to throw in an extra loop of something or other in order to make up for it.Look at it this way, the reduced commute time means more leisure time which can be spent cycling!
• #30
• #31
markrjohnson I'm not riding to work at the moment as a blind twat in a wheeled coffin pulled out on me two weeks ago.
"Sorry mate, didn't see you"
Brand new Givi fluorescent yellow jacket, white lid, and TWO flashing white Smart LEDS.So I was a bit hard to spot.
Anyway, back to the point: I am now bionic. I have 15cm of stainless steel holding my right radius together.Apparently I got up and lamped the git on the chin. As I had a bad concussion and was unconcious for 4 hours, I don't remember this part (shame).
So at the moment I don't ride, walk, or anything really.
Just shout at the kids to get me another beer.Toodle pip.
bad luck dude, bones heal quick though, hope nothing is too fubar!
unfortunately riding in london we know this can happen to any of us. also one of my pet gripes about numpty cyclists who think they are 'safe' riding to work as long as they have all the flouro kit. but they will learn. not directed at u mrj!
• #32
Had a blasted cold for nigh on a week - so been very depressed on the Tube!!!
I hope to be back menacing traffic on Monday! -
• #33
markrjohnson I'm not riding to work at the moment as a blind twat in a wheeled coffin pulled out on me two weeks ago.
"Sorry mate, didn't see you"
Brand new Givi fluorescent yellow jacket, white lid, and TWO flashing white Smart LEDS.So I was a bit hard to spot.
Anyway, back to the point: I am now bionic. I have 15cm of stainless steel holding my right radius together.Apparently I got up and lamped the git on the chin. As I had a bad concussion and was unconcious for 4 hours, I don't remember this part (shame).
So at the moment I don't ride, walk, or anything really.
Just shout at the kids to get me another beer.Toodle pip.
Bad luck dude - I really hope you are considering legal action against him. Might seem like loads of hassle but it will probably be worth you while financially as well as making you feel better about the driver getting some come back for hitting you.
• #34
tomiskinky Had a blasted cold for nigh on a week - so been very depressed on the Tube!!!
I hope to be back menacing traffic on Monday!A cold? I find riding great for freeing up all that built up snot, etc.
• #35
And there's me wondering why the roads are so slippery round the City.
• #36
My neurosurgeon looked at a recent MRI of mine and said "you had a cold when we scanned you"
I reply "how did you know that??"
"I might not know your face, but I know your brain"
He then shows me the sinusitis?? snot etc.. in my nose, revealed in the MRICool stuff!
I've been snot rocketing from Ealing to City for weeks now..
• #37
If you are trying to get over a cold I would recommend still riding, just not as fast.
The tube is a subterranean hole just rammed with soot, damp, and airborne viruses. -
• #38
MA3K|³| The tube is a subterranean hole just rammed with soot, damp, and airborne viruses.
and cnnts.
• #39
Done my first two trips in an age, this week, on the tube; its a nightmare! Full of snot wielding, space hogging, suited, booted maniacs. I'd rather the perils of the road any day - and any distance!
• #40
I once got out of my seat on the tube so a heavily-pregnant woman could sit down. As she slowly manouvered towards the seat, some florid-faced business toss-piece leapt into the vacant spot. I politely told him that I'd actually risen to make space for the lady with the bump.
His response? 'Yeah, well I'm sitting here now, so she'll have to find another seat'. Eventually, whilst Mr. Middle-Management sat smugly on his ill-gotten throne, another passenger got up so the pregnant lass could sit.
I think that's the closest I've ever come to smashing a total stranger's head againts the walls of a train carriage. However, I was about 24 at the time and knew that, if I did, it would play out like this:
'Young thug beats well-respected family man in completely unprovoked attack. Is this a another sign of the deterioration of modern society?' (copyright Daily Mail)
...and I'd end up doing time for assault with the borderline-alcoholic, Powerpoint-presentation-giving, TPS-report-covering moron still grinning in that self-righteous way at me from across the courtroom.
Rant over.
• #41
What! that is terrible. That is shame ful that on one else backed you up! Man that makes me mad.
• #42
That is terrible, can see how the urge would take you with that one...
• #43
^^^ You should have sat in his lap. and farted. that is crap!
• #44
yeah, it's disgusting..
heavily pregnant women should be kept inside.
chained up
• #45
RPM yeah, it's disgusting..
heavily pregnant women should be kept inside.
chained up
Nah, their bellies prevent them from reaching the sink. ;-)
• #46
I caught AIDS from the Northern Line i swear...
I ride my bike from Clapham to the gym, then to work everyday, because i'm that macho
• #47
CHUG_IT I caught AIDS from the Northern Line i swear...
ive done this alot today but you deserve a HAA!!!!
• #48
After my "altercation" with the blind twat: I was interviewed by the Police for "Assault causing aactual bodily harm"!!!!????.
"Sorry officer, I don't remember anything, I was the one punted off my bike, remember?".
No action to be taken about him pulling out. Apparently he misjudged my speed. Apparently cyclists should only do 12 - 15 mph. I was chugging along at 20mph. So, apparently, its my fault. Apparently.
Therefore the plod have it chalked up as a draw.Luckily my house insurance includes civil legal cover, the accident claims people have set a date for the victory party already!!
The bike: Pringled front wheel, bent crank arm, and bent handlebar. Not too bad.
Oh, and when they take out the staples it f***ing HURTS!!
Toodle pip.
• #49
what a load of shite!....nice one for chining the prick.
• #50
For your amusement. My arm post accident /op.
Toodle pip
I've been using public transport (Against my will) for a fortnight. It's genocide time!