• #20927
'Fraid so
• #20928
• #20929
may pop down after i finish my politics work and if it doesn't start raining.
• #20931
Anyone got any onions?
• #20932
Short-dicked onion seller with learning difficulties.
Wests thread gold!
• #20933
"Eight THOUSAND pounds!!!!
Is it ti-tanium?!"
• #20934
• #20935
WTF is 8k?
• #20936
How on earth is worth eight THOUSAND?
• #20937
A dead baby with Bob Dylan's head.
I laughed so much a little bit of wee came out!
• #20938
Rowley Birkin is alive and well and currently holed up at Wests' pub:
• #20939
^yawn. Yet again. I can't actually see it but it's bound to be complete and utter shite.
• #20940
A cadaver!
• #20942
A cadaver of a baby with Bob Dylan's head.
Jesus Christ Almighty.
• #20943
Best wests in months.
What a character...
• #20944
• #20945
Was that guy at the Raven?
• #20946
Kind of.
• #20947
Think it was his saarf efricaan cousin. BTW I think that Rascal may have some video footage of it but the guy was starting to calm down by the time he had his phone out, shame.
• #20948
Is this still at The Ship?
• #20949
Is this still at The Ship?
Title darling...
• #20950
You've moved to The Title?
Is Murtle back in the United Kingdoms?