• #19327
I'll be at the stonemasons swearing at the clientèle and passing out in the bathroom.
• #19328
I'll be at the stonemasons swearing at the clientèle and passing out in the bathroom.
Good work.
• #19329
Byt he time we get to the 4th Birtday we can do a wicked Birthday pub crawl. 6pm start at Peartree, bell rings every 60 mins and the group moves on. Any stragglers can join the right pub at the right time.
Peartree > Crabtree > Stonemasons > Ship > Greyhound
*Order mixed for ease of journey
• #19330
Not really too sure. I'll do a T4 search via the interweb and come up with a shitlist.
Can't make early. What's the hit list for pubs? Can meet you en route.
- Dukes Head
- The Ship (Wandsworth) Worth checking out
- The Cottage just off lower end of Fulham palace road (very recently refurbished/new management) Big courtyard/ paved garden.
- The Distillers last but not least... damn good side area outside. http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=Pub&aq=&sll=51.486795,-0.220435&sspn=0.009941,0.028324&ie=UTF8&hq=Pub&hnear=&ll=51.489226,-0.218933&spn=0,0.028324&z=16&layer=c&cbll=51.489166,-0.223153&panoid=hMlStTIr5OMV8RLVHU3yFg&cbp=12,310.76,,0,7.15
May be shit due to traffic on Fulham Palace road.. but worth checking
Any more?
- Dukes Head
• #19331
We know the Distillers well ...
• #19332
Sounds ominous....
Been there before minus bike and it wasnt bad. Are they receptive to us lot?... -
• #19333
Ask B&D about the funniest fall-off-bike moment he's ever seen (apparently) ... upon leaving the pub after a late one or two.
• #19334
We have money, they have space. Of course they are!
• #19335
Ask B&D about the funniest fall-off-bike moment he's ever seen (apparently) ...
Was it this?
• #19336
That's a man's butt.
So no.
• #19337
That's pigfarmer being so drunk outside the Sloaney Pony that he forgot how to mount the bike.. incase you didnt recognise
• #19338
Too much change for my liking - it's even got Murts swapping his avatar. I need stability.
• #19339
duke looks busy
• #19340
Too much change for my liking - it's even got Murts swapping his avatar. I need stability.
You've changed your tune. Yesterday you needed this:
Make your mind up man!
• #19341
That's pigfarmer being so drunk outside the Sloaney Pony that he forgot how to mount the bike.. incase you didnt recognise
This isn't A Question of Sport ...
• #19342
duke looks busy
That's when the Bertie Woosters go and see a bit of rowing. I reckon it'll be a little quieter on Thursday evening.
• #19343
My life would be complete with the stability which frequent pints of Hoegaarden would bestow upon me, my loved ones and receding hairline.
• #19344
My life would be complete with the stability which frequent pints of Hoegaarden would bestow upon me, my loved ones and receding hairline.
Seriously, this sheeeeet works. Seeing growth, feels amazing. I want to sing it from the mountin tops.
• #19345
Too many words which make me frightened in that stuff. I'll settle with my current simmering resentment, but thanks all the same.
• #19346
Seriously, this sheeeeet works. Seeing growth, feels amazing. I want to sing it from the mountin tops.
Too many words which make me frightened in that stuff. I'll settle with my current simmering resentment, but thanks all the same.
Honestly, he lies not.. it's good - worth a try
• #19347
• #19348
Might give it a whirl then. Would just reinforce my decamping into middle-age, which is why I resist it.
• #19349
• #19350
What was the point in getting Wolverine claws in your ass?
My bad, poor attempt at humour read the other thread now. Sorry.
About 8pmish I'll be West