• #277
31trum [quote]chandra [quote]clefty how about brake fluid in a plastic squirt gun mounted to the bars?
yeah but there woudn't be room for the beer holder ;)[/quote]
hehe, you girls are getting worse than the guy's :)[/quote]
Sol's invention, it works great untill you skid and crush the beer can -
• #278
bugger me i've just received a box of ski poles, think i may need some reinforcements to get them east, anyone fancy a trip to tower bridge?
• #279
Clefty you can bring them this way. Is anyone coming from Tower Bridge or going through there from work?
I can text the msngr girls and see if any of them can roll past on their way. Let me know if you still need help and I'll do that in an hour or so. -
• #280
i have 30 ski poles, some are kids ones which I dont think we will use. I will sort out what i can strap to my bike, but if any of you are near tower bridge, I would appreciate a hand, as I've also got some gas pipe to carry. If Muna or Hops are in the vicinity that would be dead useful.
• #281
Hey All,
I was on the bike show last night. Didn't want to tell you guys ahead of time because then I'd know that you'd be listening and I'd be nervous. So shout outs to Bike Polo and Trixie Chix are here, under Fixed Fever:
It's with a 15 min interview with bikesnobnyc
http://bikesnobnyc.blogspot.com/go to Whole Stream (or summink like that)
• #282
Roxy you media sloane! seriously thats awesome!
also that bicycle samba tune at the end was brilliant!
• #283
well done roxy! represnting the london scene and the girls (i have long hair so i'm a weeny bit included)
• #284
Aw Shucks [blushes]
• #285
thanks for another great night ladies, i can trackstand! woot!
had a complete bitch of a ride home in a 20mph headwind, then got hit by the puncture fairy, luckily it was only 5 mins from my house so I can be thankful for small mercies..was so knackered I had to stop for a doughnut and some chocolate milk to regain my composure..jeez!
Estelle I will post the video's of your spectacular tricks/crashes shortly.Rox, I might be around Sunday if you fancy a mallet building session, let me know when you have the rest of the materials (bolts, drills etc)
right, off to buy more El wire - so will have more at a few quid a pop for who wants them
• #286
It's a shame that my crashes are always more spectacular than my tricks! always too much video evidence of my crashing about.
bloody painful ribs, am starting to wonder if tis possible to break ones' rib(s) with own front wheel?maybe..fun fun fun
• #287
Are you planning this for your next trick? You're becoming the Evel Knieval of Trixie Chix. (by that I dont mean dead..)
• #288
evil knieval estelle? I kinda like it. but think have already done that trick, am in much pain from last night's crash. oops!
• #289
I think you should wear something like this next week...
• #290
also a couple of photos from last night here http://www.flickr.com/photos/clefty/
I'll sort out the videos shortly, have a comedy soundtrack in mind... -
• #291
can i have a ski pole? i hav aluminum and i dont think its strong enough
• #292
cost ya.. a pint.
they are sitting at my work at the moment, tower bridge way, you are welcome to pick up or I might be at polo on sunday, in which case i can pick some up on the way through, Need to bring some more for Roxy anyway. -
• #293
clefty i can help you bring some next tuesday. i have pink spray paint : ) lets pimp up are mallets girls
• #294
I have pix up as well
• #295
Sorry I couldn't make it last night, but I will be going to columbia road tonight to attempt some polo. Are any other trixie chicks going? (It's not boys only night is it???)
• #296
you at home today hops????? so PPPPPAAARRRRTTTYYYYY ?????? you know you want to : )
• #297
Sorry for the no-show ladies, texted Agata but I don't know if she was there either? Looks like I do alternate weeks or something
• #298
Vic, my mobile has been at work for the last 3 days while i've been ill, will try to keep an eye on it next time
• #299
Aw hope you're feeling better soon
• #300
; ) you at home today hops????? so PPPPPAAARRRRTTTYYYYY ?????? you know you want to : )
party at mine on saturday anyone?
yeah but there woudn't be room for the beer holder ;)[/quote]
hehe, you girls are getting worse than the guy's :)