• #6352
told you about wearing tight lycra, in medical circles that's known as a 'boil in the bag'
• #6353
good to have ya back Mr T
Little did jesus know that the paparazzi where waiting outside the club with easels and canvases ready to paint him . . . .
• #6354
Oooh I have one of them at the moment.. we can compare notes..
why stop at notes, get yours up on youtube and I will cast a knowing eye over it.
• #6355
told you about wearing tight lycra, in medical circles that's known as a 'boil in the bag'
Drum roll . . . crash/organ stab.
• #6356
Spotted Ewan McGregor's face double on Euston Rd. last night before actually making it to Westies for a change.
I definitely spotted you in london yesterday (or the day before) on a bike. You were moving in a direction.
I was saying to my non-london friend: "yeah I know everyone in london". Then you went past, and I said "...not including that guy, no idea why he's waving." shifty eyes
:) Good to see ya hip-ster.
Edit - it was on euston rd, as well.
• #6357
I'm waiting for Mal to get home.. she can hold the camera steadier..
• #6358
I definitely spotted you in london yesterday (or the day before) on a bike. You were moving in a direction.
I was saying to my non-london friend: "yeah I know everyone in london". Then you went past, and I said "...not including that guy, no idea why he's waving." shifty eyes
:) Good to see ya hip-ster.
Edit - it was on euston rd, as well.I was waiting to see if you recognised yourself.. Ewan :P
Did I help boost your standing with your mate then? Getting a wave from such a famous motherfucker as myself, in front of your friend, must've been the highlight of your life thus far, yeah? ahhahahaaa :P
I was heading to some weird place called Kilburn to buy tyres then onto Westies so I wasn't gonna stop and embarass you with my greatness.
• #6359
so tynan......... have you been 100?
Not yet.
• #6360
tynan is 100 (alias not age), isn't he?
You've lost me !!??
• #6361
ahhh... tynan, bit of background reading should do it. Someone's joined who's right up your street:
• #6362
Don't look at me, i said nothing.
One day I will make it to westies, hippy. One day.
• #6363
Me too.. one day ;)
• #6364
Great to have you back Mr Tynan, it hasn't been the same without you... Normal service is now resumed... Bring the muthafuckin' noize!
BTW I may be pissed, but I mean what I say... Whatever that is... :S -
• #6365
I don't get the second part of your enquiry, looks like a non-sequitur but maybe there is something I cannot work out here, my girlfriend designs really low quality magazines like 'Take a Break' - she is ashamed (and rightly so).
Read the fuckin forum, get up to speed and then reply.Right I'm off before I get into trouble.
• #6366
Also spotted a guy on one of those finding nemo kona track bikes, Webber st SE1 i yelled do a skid at you, you look confused
Sounds like it could be my housemate Wes, he works in that neck of the woods.
I'll tell him to just comply with the skid next time.p.s. it's 'Koga' ;-)
• #6367
anyone know a guy on one of those polish pursuit bikes that the bits a gt has but filled in, he came to brixton bowls whilst i was skateboarding.
• #6368
Originally posted in: http://www.londonfgss.com/thread527.html
• #6369
hot deyamn!
• #6370
Great to have you back Mr Tynan, it hasn't been the same without you... Normal service is now resumed... Bring the muthafuckin' noize!
BTW I may be pissed, but I mean what I say... Whatever that is... :SMr Slain, many thanks :)
• #6371
Originally posted in: http://www.londonfgss.com/thread527.html
Fugly pengy anti-porn. horrible brazing, gappy rear, stamped dropouts. with that much space between rear tyre and seat tube, what exactly is the point of the curved seat tube?
good to have you back tynan, we've missed you, you old scroat.
• #6372
Like most of the shit on this forum.. there is no point.
It's probably done so you hipsters bone up over the curvyness.. since that seems to be the current trend..
• #6373
Like most of the shit on this forum.. there is no point.
It's probably done so you hipsters bone up over the curvyness.. since that seems to be the current trend..
It gives me a bendy boner.
Even with a straight seat tube the clearance is pretty cavernous.
• #6374
guy with a flat cap, white brakeless bike, was in a t shirt going down some steps from the pavement to the road on upper street about 9ish
• #6375
.... moved a spoke card last night... i know who and where you are!
Oooh I have one of them at the moment.. we can compare notes..