• #58977
Jammy heading past LMNH about 9:45.
• #58978
Who shouted really loud "DO A SKID" at me while I was going downhill in Homerton?
Was there for first time, bit confused which way to go and suddenly from pavent I heard DAS and tried my best, but did like worst skid ever.
Was laughting hard on the way home.
• #58979
That was me and my flatmate man, we were bit boozy so it was the best skid ever for us anyway haha
• #58980
lyes888 in Regents last night.
• #58981
Dammit on Brixton Road about 8ish this morning. I was going to DAS but as he was leading the nodder pelaton I thought it could have ended badly
• #58982
Hello! Sorry- I thought you might be hailing the bus for a second, then ran out of thinking time.
• #58983
ha, no problem, the other people at the stop must have thought I had tourettes
• #58984
A forum cap crossing the CS7 south Newington Butts lights this morning. I was fixing my saddle, sorry I didn't say hi.
• #58985
Shark pits. Red bike (genesis? geared?) last night.
Brixton road. About 11. -
• #58986
Who did I see yesterday on Coldharbour Lane with a forum cap under their helmet, riding a yellow Fort (kind of like Digger's)?
I was riding kattiep's tourer to the bike shop, might have looked like I was riding a stolen bike.
• #58987
NurseHoliday on Blackstock Rd. Nice beard dude!
Cheers! Nice to see you, how were laps?
• #58988
guy on a white ribble outside lmnh. i recognised you. think we've met before
• #58989
Got DAS'd by a film crew on Bavaria road...
on here?
• #58990
Were they filming the Ohana boys?
• #58991
BRM, sitting outside the Grand Union in Farringdon, I didn't interupt.
• #58992
Got DAS'd by a film crew on Bavaria road...
on here?
calling jaybee with iphone a film crew sounds far-fetched even to me
• #58993
Were they filming the Ohana mandem?
• #58994
guy on a white ribble outside lmnh. i recognised you. think we've met before
Seven04 =)
• #58995
guy on a white ribble outside lmnh. i recognised you. think we've met before
Narrow as fuck track drops?
• #58996
Reeeen, St Georges Circus, just now.
Didn't have time to DAS and I was with a client so probably would have taken some explaining if I had.
(stand by for Hatbeard joke about me being a hooker)
• #58997
i came as quick as i could.
i know it's 34 minutes but can i just pay for the half-hour?
• #58998
Must spread rep etc
• #58999
Got DAS'd by a film crew on Bavaria road...
on here?
That was me. Having to explain to the rest of the crew why I was shouting at someone whose bike I recognise from an internet forum was a little awkward.
• #59000
just had a spot-tastic pop to the shops - first Ed walking (slowly!) on clapham rd, clutching his LEL medal in one hand, and then Katie-Coo on brixton rd. waves
The guy in the picture looks like the 'on here' type.