• #3402
spotted all of these outside the Architecture Association in Bloomsbury Square this eveing. Anyones on here?
• #3403
that last one has ridiculous saddle to bar drop. Maybe I should harden the fuck up and take some spacers out of my lo-pro...
• #3404
green frame, white drops, fatboyralph (i think), on the mall at 6:15 this eve.
yep. i was there around that time. goin real slow. pacing myself cos didnt want to be too early at westie drinks!
which one were you...were you on a hipster fixie? ;)
• #3405
that last one has ridiculous saddle to bar drop. Maybe I should harden the fuck up and take some spacers out of my lo-pro...
the bicycle is too small for the rider, and very bad for his back and wrists and arms and other parts of the body.
• #3406
that last one has ridiculous saddle to bar drop. Maybe I should harden the fuck up and take some spacers out of my lo-pro...
doesnt look that bad. but i reckon the brake lever's position could do with a bit of adjusting
• #3407
doesnt look that bad. but i reckon the brake lever's position could do with a bit of adjusting
I was thinking the very same thing ! Even with a much lesser drop from seat to bar the lever should be pointed much more downwards.
Maybe he is a gibbon of some kind ?
• #3408
Today 7pm (ish) Portland Place - Rapha spoke cards - Lo-Pro - iPod.
• #3409
^^ he does Brixton Road every morning. Spoke-cards-ablur.
• #3410
Why the feck did you have a camera in your hand just as he passed you? OR.... are you a specail forces survailance boy???? (thats spelt wrong isn't it?) :P
• #3411
tynan = stalkenger
i mean, have you ever seen him?
• #3412
Why the feck did you have a camera in your hand just as he passed you? OR.... are you a specail forces survailance boy???? (thats spelt wrong isn't it?) :P
I was stood in the middle of the road (on a little traffic island) filming and this bloke came hurtling along.
• #3413
He only exists in the ether......
EDIT: Now i'm scared... he films us too!!! :P
• #3414
tynan = stalkenger
i mean, have you ever seen him?
If you look out your bedroom window you can see some movement in the bushes - that's me that is.
• #3415
I was stood in the middle of the road (on a little traffic island) filming and this bloke came hurtling along...
...officer -
• #3416
• #3417
He only exists in the ether......
EDIT: Now i'm scared... he films us too!!! :P
BoBoB - always remember I have your home address !!
That Sony TV is a giant tracking device for when you move.
• #3418
Tell me about it ! I had a long and boring argument with a police officer who insisted that I was not allowed to film there, I insisted I was (I may have used the phrase 'fucking') - he threatened to arrest me on a public order offense (!!!) but he eventually went away and left me alone when he got bored with my refusal to stop filming even when he was talking to me - which really annoyed him.
That was one of three (!) police officers who asked what I was doing today - the other two earlier in the day were polite and reasonable and didn't start making legislation up on the spot !
• #3419
Doesn't that stem somewhat negate the point of the low pro? Looks pretty 'sit up and beg' to me? -
• #3420
so what were you doing?
• #3421
so what were you doing?
Filming bicycles in London.
• #3422
What sony television....
goes and carefully switches it off and quietly throws it out the 2nd floor window
• #3423
mouse: you'd hate my lo-pro then. :)
Actually, I think it's considerably more lo-pro than that one.
• #3424
Or should that be the other way around? :S
• #3425
mouse: you'd hate my lo-pro then. :)
Actually, I think it's considerably more lo-pro than that one.
Just dont get it. Have a frame that puts you into one position and a stem that puts you into another.
green frame, white drops, fatboyralph (i think), on the mall at 6:15 this eve.