• #12427
All the lovely people on the lunchtime roll.. Sorry I couldn't join the Windsor contingent, would've been fun but I have other commitments unfortunately..
Also, spotted a young lady on a turquoise unbranded frame with a red deep section rim on the rear heading onto the Hyde Park Corner roundabout
• #12428
It's when someone wants something and you wage war on them.
For instance, Saddam Hussein wanted us to think he had WMD's so we bought it to him, old school.
Hey that makes sense, in NI they're all fighting the shit out of each other all the time accordingtothenews.
• #12429
the imfamous pink 3Rensho locked up outside percy ingle on Broadway market around half 12
• #12430
I thought I might garner that response, I simply liked the way it sounded - very Kerouac-esque
I like your style....I'm happy with that sort of comparison ! You work around the dock then ?
• #12431
Willski on Holborn Viaduct 6ish pm - where is the rest of you bike fella?
• #12432
cab driver wearing a campagnolo hat (in crocodile dundee on tv just now)
• #12433
Mowgster having a pint at my pub at lunch and Aleksi a little bit later doing the same.
• #12434
Is that you wearing...* jeans*?! :)
The social challenges in Belfast are different from those in London. Over there, everybody is as hard as Michael, so he has to try to look as hipsterish as he can to out-hipster his mates. When he comes over here, this is socially frowned upon, whereas HTFUing is held in high regard. In either location, he's got it easy--being harder than us is a doddle for a man from Belfast, as is being more hipsterish than his Belfast mates.
• #12435
cab driver wearing a campagnolo hat (in crocodile dundee on tv just now)
Ha! Noticed that when it was on last week. :)
• #12436
noticed it a few months ago when it was on too.. :D snap
• #12437
Dude on a white frame, black wheels etc, wearing geeehetto cut down jeans to be shorts, caining me on old kent road this morning about 9 30, i was put to shame, and felt like a right nodder in my gore, condor hat and SILVER spuds (just realised how gay they look) And how gay red gore looks... In my defence (i was going pretty slowly), i had just done 9 miles, first time i had ridden my bike to work for that distance in about 7 months... Tried to keep up but didn't.
• #12438
Matte black flat-barred singlespeed with yellow Deep Vs and a yellow chain parked up on Seven Sisters Road this afternoon. Looked like someone was trying to disguise their bike as a giant bee to hide it from thieves. Anyone we know?
• #12439
Someone carrying a fixed/SS with a super taco'd back wheel near Condor at 4.30-ish
• #12440
Someone carrying a fixed/SS with a super taco'd back wheel near Condor at 4.30-ish
I saw him too, Japanese guy I think. I was going to stop and ask what happened but he didn't look too happy, I think the stays were fucked too.
• #12441
some guy where ever i was in highgate
he was cycling down about to go under the sucide bridge
some car pulled out and as he passed i shouted do a skid, he looked bemused
he had postie bag :), hi, sorry for making you look sround -
• #12442
some guy where ever i was in highgate
he was cycling down about to go under the sucide bridge
some car pulled out and as he passed i shouted do a skid, he looked bemused
he had postie bag :), hi, sorry for making you look sroundA red bag with a yellow reflective stripe?
• #12443
some guy where ever i was in highgate
he was cycling down about to go under the sucide bridge
some car pulled out and as he passed i shouted do a skid, he looked bemused
he had postie bag :), hi, sorry for making you look sroundprobably harry going up that way, the joker on here
• #12444
A red bag with a yellow reflective stripe?
yeah pretty sure that be him, i was a bit out of it so not sure.
• #12445
probably harry going up that way, the joker on here
Yes, that's what I thought, too, and why I asked about the bag.
• #12446
white eddy mercx and 3rensho locked outside HMV on oxford st.
pajamas and two sexy ladies at some pub in clerkenwell
loads of loser couriers riding away hanging their heads in shame down Clerkenwell close.
Emilia several times this week; always looks too happy to be a courier.
Tynan on Clerkenwell filming cyclists and fiddling with himself, as usual.
Thought i caught a glimpse of a good reason to go on living at one point but may have been mistaken. -
• #12447
Mr. Spagettihoops in the 14 shop waiting paitently for his new bike. (what happened Rob, thought you were coming for a bagel?)
Mr. PhotoBen in BLB on his old cruiser, sorry it was just a brief chat dude.
• #12448
white eddy mercx and 3rensho loked outside HMV on oxford st.
pajamas and two sexy ladies at some pub in clerkenwell
loads of loser couriers riding away hanging their heads in shame down Clerkenwell close.
Emilia several times this week; always looks too happy to be a courier.
Tynan on Clerkenwell filming cyclists and fiddling with himself, as usual.
Thought i caught a glimpse of a good reason to go on living at one point but may have been mistaken.I was not fiddling with myself, I had lost my key and was desperately pumping my pockets looking for them, the fact that I had a grin on my face was that I was enraptured with the love of Jesus.
Spotted, wiganwill plying his trade in the sunshine up ol' London town.
• #12449
fuck man that is great; i really want a copy;maybe collect when i come round to wax your privates on sunday before church?
actually i am serious i love that shot
• #12450
fuck man that is great; i really want a copy;maybe collect when i come round to wax your privates on sunday before church?
I have got my grey suit and soft shoes ready for the ceremony, it is true that this week you are going to speak in tongues ?
actually i am serious i love that shot
It's a frame from some movie footage, you actually look quite cool when you are in motion, maybe you should keep moving ?
Lal, am listening to Do your Thing by Bassment Jaxx on the headphones as I browse the Spots...your avatar had my transfixed for like the whole song as it bobbed away in time to the tune.
and not even had owt to smoke yet...